Severin broke the kiss and turned toward the door. A young woman in turquoise scrubs stood frozen in the doorway, watching them.

“Sorry...I...” She shut her mouth, which had been hanging open, but her gaze was traveling from them to Minnow and back again. “I don’t mean to interrupt a personal moment, but I need to do a manual check of Mom’s blood pressure.” She gave a little laugh. “Although after that maybe I should wait a few minutes.”

“They were just getting to the good part,” Minnow said conspiratorially.

The young woman laughed at that, and came into the room, then wrapped the manual blood pressure cuff around Minnow’s arm. As she started to inflate the cuff, she said, “It’s so nice what you’re doing for these two. So many people wouldn’t let two men adopt their baby, but I bet they’re going to be great fathers. They seem to have such a great relationship.”

“Um,” Minnow replied, but paused when the woman held up a finger then listened to the inside of her arm with her arm with her stethoscope.

“Good. It’s high, but it’s not terrible.” She smiled comfortingly.

Another contraction started and both Severin and Rodrigo moved back to Minnow’s side. They helped her as much as they could, but they seemed to be getting closer together and far more painful, if her tortured expression was any indication.

When it passed, Minnow glanced over at the nurse, who was still hanging around fiddling with things.

“They’re not adopting my baby,” Minnow explained. “They’re the fathers.”

“Oh,” she said nodding sagely. “Well that’s even better. Surrogacy is such a nice option.”

Severin was grumbling under his breath, but Rodrigo laid a staying hand on his shoulder to hold him back from bar

king at the twit.

“Minnow isn’t our surrogate,” Rodrigo said smoothly, giving the woman the charming false smile he usually reserved for business. “She’s our wife.”

Rather than apologizing or retreating, the woman’s brows shot to a higher latitude on her forehead.

“Like that sister wife show?”

Rodrigo snorted. “Yes, except Mr. Leduc and I aren’t sisters.”

“So are you and him, are like, gay together, but then with her too?”

“It’s called bisexual and polyamorous.” Even Rodrigo was starting to look annoyed, but the nurse didn’t know him well enough to tell.



“You don’t look bisexual.”

Severin arched a brow at her. “Do you need more definitive proof than what you walked in on?”

“Mister Leduc,” Minnow said in disapproval, as though she knew what was coming next. He’d spank her if she weren’t in labor.

“Should I lean him over the bed and drill him in the ass so you can watch?” Severin suggested.

The woman stood there with her chin dragging on the floor, looking like an idiot.

“Get out!” he barked.

She fled and he stalked down the hall and stopped at the nursing station.

“You,” he pointed at yet another young nurse. The girl had two brow piercings, a tattoo behind her ear, and a backpack with bats on it. She looked like the kind of person who had an open mind.

She arched a brow at him.

“You’re a nurse?”