Knee-jerk fear dogged him, but he pushed it away as he held her close against his chest. He wasn’t a high school kid anymore, and Minnow wasn’t just some girl – he loved her. She was going to be their wife. Even if she was pregnant, what was the worst thing that could happen? His mind immediately flew to complications and TV hospital dramas. What if it was his, and it killed her? Protectiveness warred with joy at the idea of a baby – hers and his and Severin’s – toddling around, wreaking havoc on this museum of a house. He stroked her hair, but his hand was shaking.

“It may be a stomach bug or a touch of food poisoning, like you said. I’ll send over a prescription that’s safe to use for nausea, even if you’re pregnant. Try to keep hydrated. If the meds don’t work, call me back. If it’s a pregnancy and you want to discuss your options, you have my number.”

She patted Rodrigo’s shoulder as she took her leave.

“What if it’s true?” she asked quietly. “What am I going to do?”

“What would you want to do?”

She slid off his lap and stood there, staring at him. “It’s going to be negative, right?”


She looked at the test then back at him, a small, terrified girl. She was alone in the world, other than Severin and him.

“I’ve never used one of these before,” she admitted, staring blankly at the back of the box as though she’d forgotten how to read.

“Want me to come in with you?”

“No!” she yelled, her wide dark eyes, begging him to call her bluff.

“Too bad. I’ve developed a sudden kink for watching girls piss, and you’re already in trouble for not calling me, so you don’t get to safeword.” He hesitated, wondering if she’d argue.

Not only did she fail to argue, she grabbed his hand as if she was dangling from a skyscraper in an action movie.

“I guess since you watched me puke earlier, pee shouldn’t freak you out too bad.”

“I held your hair last time we were in there. What am I holding this time?”

She tried to laugh, but nothing came out but a gasp of fear. “Severin. Should we go get him? He deserves to be part of this. In case.”

“I think we should avoid freaking him out if there’s nothing to freak out about.” Rodrigo cleared his throat, not sure how to say what he was thinking. “If you are, and you want to go through with it, it might be best if he thinks it’s mine.”

She rubbed her forehead on his shirt. “God. If I am... We’re going to end up on Jerry Springer. I don’t even know who my kid’s father is.”

“Would knowing affect your choice?” A wave of jealousy surprised him, the sudden notion that she might not want it to be his hurt. He loved her with a passion that astounded him, but maybe she didn’t feel the same. They always had to keep their relationship with each other low key so Severin didn’t feel as if he could disappear on them, but maybe she’s just accepted him on Severin’s behalf. Having been their third wheel for so long, he still wasn’t always sure of his footing.

She gave him a strange look. “You can’t believe there’s really something wrong with Severin’s genes.”

“No. I just wondered if you’d make different choices based on the child’s paternity.”

She glared at him. “What are you saying?”

He shrugged. She stared at him for a long moment before comprehension lit her gaze.

“You’re asking if I’d have his child but not yours?” Her brows drew down low, wrath emanating from her little body. Before he could draw back, she shoved his chest, then put her hand over her mouth as though she’d shocked herself. “Oh my god, I’m sorry.” Then she did it again. “But how could you even think that!” Her hand splayed over her flat stomach and she heaved, but nothing came up. “If you think for a goddamned second that I’d have his baby and not yours...” She raised her hand again but this time he caught her wrist. “I love you, idiot. I loved him first, but that doesn’t mean I love you less.”

She gave him a disgusted look, yanked her hand back, and marched off into the bathroom, shutting the door between them. The lock clicked.

He thumped on the door. “Open it, Min.”


“Open the fucking door or I’ll bust it down,” he growled.

