“Oh, I have something entirely different in mind for Rodrigo,” Severin assured her. “You e

ven get to help.”

Even over his lap, the girl dared to clap her hands together in glee. Rodrigo mentally recorded her every treacherous reaction. And here he’d thought they’d gotten past the worst of her brattiness. Apparently it just went dormant when Severin wasn’t around to torment him.

Severin ducked into the hallway and came back with a wood and wicker chair he’d brought up with him from the storage room. He snapped his fingers at Rodrigo and gestured for him to approach. Self-consciously, Ro set Minnow aside and stripped the bed sheet off his still quasi-hard dick, then went to Severin.


“Can I put on pants first?”

“Absolutely not.”

Rodrigo winced, remembering the scene in one of the James Bond movies where the villain tied Daniel Craig to a chair and beat his balls.

Not hot. Go away, hard-on.

Besides, Severin wasn’t that pissed, was he?

“Sit.” Severin pointed at the chair. Rodrigo sat, and immediately winced at how the wicker felt against his bare ass. “Miss Korsgaard, some rope?”

Minnow bit her bottom lip, and her gaze met Rodrigo’s. For a moment Ro thought she might argue.

Don’t be bratty, Min. Now is not the time.

She must have gotten Rodrigo’s mental message, because she nodded and went to get some from the wardrobe that held the bedroom kink supplies. When she came back, she seemed hesitant, but Severin slid Rodrigo forward until his ass was almost hanging off the chair, then tied his ankles to the chair legs, and his wrists to the lower back. The edge of the chair seat was digging into his ass cheeks, but he was pretty sure his comfort was pretty low on Severin’s priority list.

“You’re not going to like this, but you need to learn what being sneaky will get you with me. We both know you’re smarter than I am, but you need to remember who’s bigger, and who’s meaner.”

Shame flooded through Rodrigo. His heart had been in the right place, but it was no excuse to try to trick Severin into doing things his way – especially not when he loved Severin and respected him.

“I know you only meant to protect me from myself, but we need honesty between us,” Severin said, glowering.

“I shouldn’t have done it.”

“No, you shouldn’t have. When I’m done with you, you won’t be pulling something like this again.”

It would have been nice if the threat had struck enough fear into Rodrigo to make his hard-on abate, but no such luck. Anticipation, and being bound and at Severin’s mercy, was making his body respond no matter how much he tried thinking about columns of numbers and dealing with investment and banking bullshit.

“What the fuck? What’s your problem, puppy?” Severin grabbed Rodrigo’s errant cock and squeezed hard enough to for the pain to steal a grunt from him.

“I’m sorry, Severin. I can’t help it.”

Severin let go, but slapped his balls hard enough that for a moment all Rodrigo could do was sit in a haze of red and try not to breathe.

“I was only planning to hurt you a little, but now I have a better idea.” Severin went to the closet, leaving Rodrigo and Minnow staring at each other, then after him.

“Don’t be mad at me,” Min whispered.

“For what?”

Her gaze darted to Severin’s back. “If he makes me help with whatever he’s planning. It wouldn’t be fair for you to take it out on me later.”

“Then you’d better not look like you’re enjoying yourself too much. I might be the one tied down right now, preciosa, but eventually you and I will be alone together and he won’t be able to stop me from retaliating.”

Her mouth fell open in feigned indignance. “How is that fair? If he makes me do things...”

“Making you do things is one thing. Enjoying them or making it worse on purpose will land you in a world of shit. I’m his submissive, but I’m still your fucking dominant. If you disrespect me, you’ll pay.”