neutral mask, the one that Severin had learned meant he was covering ugly emotions. “Martine was the only friend I had, and I don’t even think she liked me – which is probably fine since I’ll hate her until I’m cold in the ground.” His cold blue eyes blazed with fury. “I have nothing left but the three of you, and yet I don’t belong here either.”

He strode from the room, and Minnow tried to follow but Severin held her back.

“What are you going to do, Miss Korsgaard? Chase after him and assure him we want him here when we don’t? Why lie?”

Minnow sighed, watching the puppies sniff around the counters, hoping someone had dropped food on the immaculate floor.

“He needs something to hang on to, Mister Leduc. He needs to know his family cares about him.”

“That doesn’t mean I’m going to let him have you,” he growled. “I didn’t choke him unconscious for menacing you. That should be enough affection for a grown man.”

“Severin.” Her tone was reproachful.

“What did you just call me?” He narrowed his eyes at her.

She fell immediately to her knees and pressed her forehead to his legs. His hand went to her hair without hesitation.

“I’m sorry, Mister Leduc. I’m upset and I forgot myself.”

“Understandable. I’m sorry he cornered you like that. I should send him away, but if I do, I’m not sure what would happen to him.” That and he was getting attached to the little bastard.

“Don’t send him away. Now that you’ve been clear about boundaries, I’m sure he’ll leave me alone.” She leaned into him harder as he ran his hand through her hair. “I’m just not sure how to help him. He needs help, but I’m not a therapist.”

“I know. I tried setting him up with Dr. Jindre, but I don’t think he’s ready yet.”

“Who’s not ready for what yet?” Rodrigo walked in, his usual debonair self in his gray suit and black shirt, and shoes that were probably the height of fashion but looked long and pointy and silly to Severin. His hair was always so perfect, and he was so self-possessed, it made Severin want to make a mess of him. Rodrigo’s dark eyes met his in passing challenge, and passive aggressive dominance. Someone was fresh from work and full of himself.

“Loïc’s not ready for counseling, but he needs it.” Minnow sighed and butted her head against Severin’s leg, trying to wordlessly lure him into petting her more. The dogs had wandered over and kept trying to lick her face.

“Tell me something I don’t know.” Rodrigo knelt on the floor and kissed the toe of Severin’s boot in greeting, then got to his feet and ran his fingers through Minnow’s hair before moving off to the fridge.

“I’m making lunch in a minute, so don’t start making yourself a sandwich.”

Rodrigo closed the fridge door and eyed her. “Maybe we should make you a sandwich.” He grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.

“At what age do men stop thinking with their dicks and start thinking with their stomachs?”

Severin picked her up and sat her on the counter, then caged her in with his arms, realizing he’d just given his brother shit for doing the very same thing. It was different when it was him, damn it. “We think with both. It’s not an age thing,” he told her. “With you around, our dicks always get first billing.”

“Aww. You’re such a charmer.” She raised her face to his, pouting adorably when he didn’t kiss her.

“So why is the Loïc thing coming up now?” Rodrigo asked, leaning on the counter beside them.

Severin sighed and gave Minnow the kiss she so obviously wanted. Her smile was beatific. So spoiled, his girl.

“He cornered Minnow in here a few minutes ago when she was alone, and then when I interrupted him, he tried talking me into letting him into our relationship.”

Rodrigo ran his hands down his face. “I told him there was no way. Why is he still pushing?”

“He talked to you about this?” Severin asked. What the fuck? Why hadn’t Rodrigo said anything?

He met Severin’s gaze and shrugged. “A few times. He also asked me to accept him as a submissive.”

“And you said no?”

Rodrigo flipped him off. “I’m not even going to dignify that with a response.”

Angry, Severin gave Rodrigo a hand signal that dropped the other man immediately to his knees. He grabbed Rodrigo’s hair harder than he ever would have with Minnow, mussing the perfect control he usually kept over his appearance. Rodrigo grunted in pain, then gritted his teeth as Severin kicked his knees farther apart. Severin stripped Rodrigo of his jacket, tie, and shirt, then crouched in front of him and captured his jaw with cruel fingers.