She did as he’d bidden, opening the most sensitive parts of her body to his perusal. He could tell she wanted to ask what he planned to do, but she bit her lip instead, watching him with apprehension. As he unbuckled his belt and pulled it free from his belt loops she whimpered, and the sound ricocheted through his body and thickening his cock.

“Please, Mister Leduc,” she begged, “I’m sorry.” She could protest all she wanted, but her pussy was already glistening with arousal.

He wrapped the buckle end of the belt around his hand. “Let’s make sure you are.”

Her whimper of fear and anticipation got him hard. Even for a little masochist, she liked his belt far too much, but then hurting her like this was fucking blissful.

The first blow of the belt hit the inside of her thigh, exactly on target. She gasped, but he had put minimal force behind it. He set a pattern, one thigh then the other, gradually harder until she was grunting and crying out under her breath. He paused to move her hands behind her head, then resumed, turning the insides of both of her thighs bright pink.

He shifted his stance and hit her pubic bone, lighter than her thighs. Harder then, moving, drinking in her cries of distress, then pain. Her hips shot off the bed once, and it took two more blows before he hit just the right angle again. She gurgled an inhuman wail, heels forcing her hips off the bed, and she writhed there for a moment, suspended in the moment of ruined orgasm when his next blow didn’t come.

“Mister Leduc!” she cried, but didn’t elaborate.

Tears glittered in her eyes, and her face was red and blotched. She sobbed, and he threw down the belt, even though he wanted nothing more than to keep going. His aggression screamed for him to harm her, but there was a line where he had to find his internal restraint and exercise it. If he let himself lose control with someone so precious to him it would be unforgivable. It was enough that she trusted him to hurt her at all.

He got onto the bed and hauled her up beside him, planning to cuddle her until she calmed down, but she was still crying.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

She hadn’t done anything horrible, but she was always ready to take responsibility for all of the world’s problems after spending time reflecting under his belt.

Her pain was too good, though, too delicious. After the day they’d had, he needed to discharge the rest of his nervous energy. She was always perfect for that. He rolled her to her belly and pinned her in place. She squirmed and begged, spreading her legs, lifting her ass. He thrust his throbbing cock into her abused pussy, finding her hot and wet and ready, as only violence and rough handling could accomplish.

When he’d used her to his satisfaction, she dozed. He curled around her, keeping watch.


The two of them were laughing again.

The sound of it grated on Severin’s nerves.

Minnow and Rodrigo laughing together sounded good – it made him leery sometimes, but he was ultimately happy that two of the people he cared about most enjoyed each other’s company. Rodrigo chumming around with Loïc, however, was making him crazy.

He didn’t fucking like it.

Trying to tune them out, he focused on his sit-ups and deliberately did not watch Loïc spotting Rodrigo as he bench pressed, muscles straining, bare feet digging into the grass and calves flexing with each push. He looked so much less civilized in only shorts and with tattoos bared.

“Your turn,” Rodrigo finally said.

“No, I’m done. You two are too advanced for me.” Loïc wiped his face with a towel. “I’m going to go cry in the shower then take a nap.”

“Pussy,” Rodrigo mocked amiably.

“Meow,” Loïc acknowledged, then smirked and set off toward the house.

Severin grabbed his Gatorade and took a swig, watching his brother’s retreating back with narrowed eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Rodrigo asked when Loïc was far enough away not to hear.


“He’s coming along. He’ll be able to keep up with us in a few months.”

A few months? Fuck. Was he planning to stay that long?

“I’m sure he’ll be gone before that,” Severin replied guardedly.

“I think he’ll stay as long as you let him.”