Chapter Six

Funny how this situation had never bothered Rodrigo before. It was awkward, but nothing new when it came to this kind of trip. As a potential investor, of course he’d be wined and dined – but the women who were part of the benefits package were insistent tonight.

Normally he’d turn them away with a polite refusal, but now Severin’s past echoed in his head. The idea that, as a small boy, Sev had been used to sweeten his mother’s business dealings made him ill. Did these women enjoy their work, or did they have no other options?

One of the young women – a pretty blonde – hung off Weston, his supposedly married, relatively unpleasant and unattractive host. The woman’s acting skills left something to be desired, and she was having a hard time feigning interest. Rodrigo hoped they were being well compensated for their time.

“Don’t be shy, Solis. They’re paid for,” Weston murmured, eyeing the redhead across the table.

Rodrigo shrugged, the motion feeling strangely loose in his drunken state. “Thank you for the offer, but I’m attached.”

“What’s a bit of a party to celebrate a business relationship? What happens here is completely confidential.”

He managed to keep his expression neutral. Why would he want artificial lust and affection when he could have the real thing – would have it as soon as he got home from this trip?

The brunette close to him gave him a come-hither look, and wrapped her plump lips around her straw in not-so-subtle suggestion.

Rather than making the woman interesting, it only made him think of how much he preferred the shyness Minnow still exuded no matter what they did to her. His mind flashed to her little tongue exploring the ridges and piercings of Severin’s dick, and the memory of the first time he’d met her. He’d almost lost control and helped her go down on Severin, even knowing he might have throttled Rodrigo for trying it at the time.

Ro’s cock stiffened in his dress pants, and he forced the idea away.

He turned his glass of whiskey in the ring of condensation it had made, forgetting where he was until the woman was sitting beside him, tracing one of his forearm tattoos.

“I never would have guessed you were hiding these under your dress shirt. You seemed all business before you rolled up your sleeves,” she said softly. She used a much higher voice than was probably natural for her, cutesy, clear and bell like. It set his teeth on edge almost as much as her touching him without permission.

He pulled his arm away. “I’m sorry, Elena, but I’m with someone.” Two someones, actually, but that was too hard to explain to vanillas.

But was he with them?


Sort of.

Severin had claimed him, but hadn’t claimed him. He felt as if he was in an unconsummated marriage that could be easily annulled.

He tossed back the rest of his whiskey, and Weston gestured to the server for another round.

Elena was gazing at him, her expression confused, as though she’d never had a man tell her no. “She must be something.”

He nodded. They both were.

“So you’re married?”

“Not yet.” Not ever. The two people he was in love with would be marrying each other. He didn’t begrudge them that, but the stupid flicker of jealousy rose anyway. What they had together was different from what they had with him, he supposed. He would be the perpetual third wheel.

When they started having kids, then what? Would they just call him Uncle Rodrigo? Would he be sleeping in his own room again? Or would they want him to move back to his own house? Would his involvement in their relationship be a secret?

“But you love her that much?”

“I do.”

She raised her perfectly sculpted brows. “Take me to your room and I’ll show you the advantage of spending time with a woman you’d never take home to your family.”

“From what I’ve seen, you’re nothing to be ashamed of, Elena. Any man who would treat you that way isn’t worth your time.”

Her face blanched. She reclaimed her seat on the other side of the table. Maybe his statement had come out wrong.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he excused himself, determined to make the call seem important even if it was a duct cleaning service.