“Rodrigo, no!”

“What did you call me, preciosa?”

“Mr. Solis?”

He shrugged, pretending he regretted having to punish her. “You’ve never been a brat to me before now, so what made you think you’d get away with it today?”

“If we’re all going to be together – like in a D/s relationship – I thought Mister Leduc would be in charge and you and I would be equals.”

“I’ve been dominating women since I was fourteen. I’ll obey Severin, because he’s Severin, but when it comes to you, you know damn well how I feel.”

“Like you want to fall to my feet and worship me?” she asked hopefully.

He grabbed her chin. “I don’t think any dominant could feel that way about you. You’re so submissive that the only struggle is trying not to perpetually take advantage of your nature.”

She was gazing up at him, looking lost. He’d always felt protective toward her, but he’d blown that off as wanting Severin to be happy, even though deep down he knew there was more to it than that. Minnow’s sweetness made him want to dominate her and take care of her even though she’d proven she didn’t need anyone’s help. He just had to make sure not to step on Severin’s toes.

“What are the rules?” Rodrigo asked Severin.

“You know her limits.”

Rodrigo couldn’t hold back the low chuckle that started deep in his chest.

“No!” She tried to pull out of his grip.

“Come on, Minnow,” Rodrigo said. “Let’s not make this worse than it needs to be.”

Her big brown eyes welled with tears. “I don’t want to!”

“Are you a baby or are you a big girl?”

“I’m a grown fucking woman.” She glared at him.

His dick really wanted him to punish her right now, but maybe there were deeper issues that needed to be addressed. She was trying to look tough, but under that he could see how confused she was. “I like the rainbows and unicorns on your leggings. Almost as cute as the flannel pajamas you wear.”

Her glare turned impatient. “Are you going to hit me or are you going to critique my wardrobe choices?”

He dragged a stool over and sat to put them closer to eye level with each other.

“This isn’t about hitting. We’re going to discuss this like adults.”

She groaned. “Is this a lecture?”

“A conversation.” Sighing, he cupped her chin in his palm, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Are you acting out because you don’t want to share me with Severin?”

“No.” She frowned, as though confused.

“Then what is this about?”

One of her shoulders came up in a sloppy shrug. “I – don’t know.”

“What are you feeling right now?”

“It’s dumb.”

“Your feelings aren’t dumb, Minnow. Tell me.”

“I don’t know.” She flattened her lips and looked off to the side. “I don’t want to be less important than everyone else in this relationship. I’m worried that I’m going to be this pathetic little prop that gets used when you two want to spice things up.”