“Only on his orders! Maybe he’ll let me punish you on his orders now too.”

Arousal burned through him, but not at the idea of her disciplining him – but at this sudden bratty streak he’d seen hints of, but he’d never experienced full force. There was nothing that made him want to dominate a woman like being challenged.

“Watch yourself, little girl. You brat too hard and you might be sorry when Severin lays out the rules.”

“Watch yourself, little boy. You step too far out of place with me and the real boss around here might beat you silly.”

“How bad can it be?”

“Please. Have you looked at him? I could see him taking out his more violent urges on you. You probably won’t scream like I do, so he might have trouble knowing when to stop. Just make sure not to forget your safeword.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

“I should drag you down to the forge so we can get this sorted out right now.”

“Try it and my attack dogs will maul you.”

Rodrigo cast a meaningful glance at her mutts, who were piled up on the hearthrug. None of them had done more than given him a lazy tail wag when he’d come in.

“They’re vicious. They’re just limbering up first.” She stretched, arching her back, making him want to slide his hands into the neckline of her loose sweater to find out whether she was wearing a bra. He was guessing she wasn’t.

“Come on. Let’s go see him.” He held out his hand and she sighed.

“My shoes are upstairs.”

He grabbed her and flipped her onto his shoulder. Although she gave an indignant shriek and started to struggle, her dogs continued to laze where they were. Considering how much Severin manhandled her, they had to be used to it, but he hadn’t been sure if that acceptance would extend to include him.

With the warmth of the spring day, he didn’t bother stopping for her coat and strolled out the back door, heading for Severin’s forge. Having Minnow struggling on his shoulder, biting and scratching but not safewording, made him wonder how much fun it would be to let her go and chase her through the woods.

“I don’t belong to you, Rodrigo,” she said crossly.

“Oh, I know. I’m just being a gentleman, seeing as how you didn’t want to go get your shoes.”

“A gentleman? A gentleman wouldn’t be groping my ass.”

“I’m holding you so you don’t fall. You’re wiggling around a lot up there.”

She bit him again, and he had to stifle a groan as adrenaline buzzed through his body and headed straight for his cock.

When he entered the building, Severin looked up then arched a brow. Sweat sheened his naked torso, the play of muscle as he put down the hammer he’d been holding leaving Rodrigo speechless. It wasn’t as though he hadn’t seen Severin shirtless a million times, but since the monster had kissed him it was more difficult to ignore his sexual attraction to him.

Okay, between Minnow and Severin, no wonder Rodrigo never went home anymore. The scenery was so much more enjoyable here.

“What did she do now?” Severin asked, wiping his hands on a rag.

Rodrigo put Minnow down on a table, and she flipped him the bird.

“She got bratty with me, and I wasn’t sure what to do. I’d never tolerate it from my own submissive, but she’s not mine. I thought I’d bring her to you before I overstepped.”

“Miss Korsgaard, why were you being bratty to Mr. Solis?”

“Mister Leduc, if he’s your submissive now, that means he doesn’t get to keep his status as your guest dominant, right? I mean, if I’m the senior submissive, shouldn’t I get to boss him around instead of him bossing me around?”

Severin paused, frowning. He didn’t immediately laugh and dismiss her concern, which concerned the fuck out of Rodrigo.

Eventually Severin sighed. “Mr. Solis is a switch who’s used to dominating you. You think he should have to give that up?”

“Why do I have to be everyone’s bitch?”

“Because it’s in your nature to be a toy for dominant men.”