“If she hadn’t been with Severin, I would have chased her, myself.”

“So steal her!” Mayte said, slapping her knee for emphasis. “Severin isn’t good for either of you. I really liked her the few times we’ve talked, why not just date her?”

“Seriously?” he asked, frowning. “Minnow is so good for him. I’d never try to take her, even if I thought she might agree, which she wouldn’t.”

“And then there’s the bro code,” Fidel reminded her.

“Does that even apply if the bro in question is someone you want to sleep with?” Mayte asked. “It’s not like he’s your actual brother.”

“I love him. Why would I do something so cruel?”

“He’s been toying with your affections for years,” Mayte growled. “Stringing you along like a little puppet.”

“It wasn’t done maliciously.”

Mayte folded her napkin and dropped it on the table, then pushed out her chair and started clearing dishes. They all got up to help.

Mama squeezed Rodrigo’s arm and smiled up at him. “If this doesn’t work the way you hope, maybe you need to seriously think about moving on, mijo. A life longing for someone who doesn’t love you back is sad and wasted. You’ll go to bed one night and wake up sixty with nothing to show for it. As much as I joke about grandbabies, all I really want from you is for you to enjoy your life. You get only one.”

“Maybe Mayte is right,” Fidel added, handing him a dishtowel and filling the sink with steaming water. “If Severin is too broken to love anyone, you might be doing both yourself and the girl a favor if you lure her away.”

“Not happening. I...love her, but I love him too.”

“Love. That changes things,” Mama said, nodding. “Give it a shot, I guess.”

Rodrigo twirled the dishtowel in his hand and Fidel gave him the side eye.

“Don’t even think about it, dick. I have a sex scene tomorrow and I don’t want makeup asking me awkward questions when they have to put concealer on an ass bruise.”

Rodrigo considered doing it anyway, because that would be hilarious. They had a momentary battle of gazes, and Ro decided not to be a jerk.

“Just think about it, Ro – you could have a normal life with that girl. I hate seeing you acting so pathetic about Severin, of all people.” Mayte shook her head. “Such a fucking dick.”

“He’s just awkward,” Fidel said, coming to Severin’s defense, but probably more out of loyalty to Rodrigo. “After what he went through with his family sending him away...”

“Oh, boohoo. That’s ancient history. He needs to get some therapy and move on with his life already. I have friends who moved here from war-torn countries who aren’t fucking drama queens like he is.”

Severin wasn’t putting on an act for attention, but he wasn’t about to start a heated fight with his pregnant little sister. It wasn’t just being abused or sent away that had messed Severin up. There were other things there too. Probably something with a name and diagnosis.

Mama clucked her tongue. “Loving a broken bird won’t make it fly. If you choose to pursue him for real, we’ll support your decision, but you need to think about whether you want to spend the rest of your life trying to fix someone who might be unfixable.”

Santiago wailed, apparently awake and ready to eat. Mayte groaned. “Why did having babies so close together seem like a good idea last year?”

“Ask me again next year when you’re pregnant for your third,” Mama said in a singsong voice, grinning as she went down the hall to get the baby from the nursery.

“No! Absolutely not!” Mayte called after her. “Next year it’s Fidel or Rodrigo’s turn. My kids need cousins.”

“Good luck with that,” Rodrigo muttered.

“You’d look so lovely, all fat and glowing,” Fidel said to Rodrigo as he scrubbed a pot. “You’ll just have to get Severin to try harder.”

“Hey, you could have a baby with Minnow and give me a break,” Mayte suggested. “Is she pretty?”

He’d spent so long trying not to overtly admire Minnow that he felt weird admitting the truth, even though Severin wasn’t around to hear it.

“She’s his.”
