One of the clamps was unceremoniously ripped off of Rodrigo’s nipple. He yelped, and then swore creatively as blood came rushing back to the area. When he’d calmed down enough to speak, he said, “Nope. I didn’t like that. Not one little bit.”

Severin laughed and jostled the other clamped nipple, opening and closing the clamp a few times before yanking it off when it was closed tight.

He might have yelled.

When the ringing in his ears stopped, Minnow was patting him and making soothing noises. “Poor Mr. Solis. Why are you being so mean to him, Master? He’s been gone for days!”

“You’re too nice to him. When we put you through this stuff, all he does is gloat and jack off.”

“I know. It’s so fucking hot. What are you tattooing on him?”

“You can’t tell?”

“It looks like a dick.”

“Give the girl a cookie.”

Rodrigo realized what they’d said just as he stopped musing about how much it would hurt when Severin took off the last clamp. “You’re tattooing a dick on my thigh?” He should have been concerned, but found it funny.

The clamp on his balls got yanked off. There was a long moment where he thought maybe it hadn’t hurt, but instead it took a few moments for his brain to process the sensation. His mouth opened but nothing came out.

There was a high sound, and Rodrigo hoped like hell that it was the dogs and not him making that noise.

A haze settled over him, and he was vaguely aware of his balls being touched gently. His body raged with need and pain, and his thigh itched and burned. He couldn’t see, and for long moments he forgot he was blindfolded. They were kissing him, stroking him. Their hands and mouths were everywhere. When they did this to Min, she always swore later that it seemed like more than two people, and now he understood. His senses were overwhelmed. One of his balls was sucked into a hot mouth, taking abused skin in with it. The pleasure/pain was so intense his mind kept blanking. Soon, he forgot where he was, who was tormenting him, and all he could do was yank against his bonds and beg for release.

A mouth closed over his cock, sucking sweetly, and he wanted to grab whoever it was and jam his cock down their throat. There was a cry of pleasure, muffled around him.


Sev must be fucking her from behind.

Her teeth grazed him as she struggled to suck him while she was being shoved against him again and again. Her hair was pooled on his chest, and tickled his still aching nipples, and her mouth – so fucking good. He came, unable to hold off any longer, feeling like a month’s worth of come surged out of his balls into her mouth. She coughed, dripping come and spit back down the length of him. She sobbed with pleasure, trying to keep going through her own orgasm. Severin bellowed his release.

Minnow’s face was pressed against his stomach. She panted, her breaths cooling the sweat on his chest. Then Severin’s mouth was on his, whiskers catching on Rodrigo’s stubble, lips and tongue reminding him who owned them both.

“I missed you, puppy.” The words rumbled from deep in Severin’s chest. He tugged the blindfold off his eyes, and although the fabric caught in his hair, seeing the truth of the words in Severin’s gaze made the moment feel frozen. Warmth in the depths of Severin’s commonly frigid eyes. Affection. Relief, as though being apart had been hard on him too.

“I missed you too, Master.”

Minnow kissed Rodrigo’s navel, then pressed her forehead against him, shuddering. “I should go back to bed, but I need to clean up first. What a mess.”

Severin laughed and untied Rodrigo’s wrists and arms. He sluiced his new tattoo with whatever was in the bottle. The tattoo wasn’t of a dick at all. It was Severin’s maker’s mark – the same one he put on the bikes he made and the same one they’d branded on Minnow. He hadn’t done a bad job of it, but then, he was an artist, even if he usually worked in another medium.

“You okay?” he asked Rodrigo as he wrapped his tattoo.

“Better than.” He leaned close to Severin’s hair as he worked, and inhaled. Right then, their Master smelled mostly of come and sweat.

The dogs scratched anxiously at the door, whining as if they hadn’t been fed in days.

“Hang on, boys,” Severin called.

“Wow. Clean up in aisle twelve.” Minnow said, sounding bewildered. “Were you saving up or something? It’s like Niagara fucking Falls.” She laughed. “I’m going to have a bitch of a time cleaning this much come out of the rug...”

Rodrigo glanced at her sharply, sliding off the desk just as Severin’s head came up in alarm.

Severin pushed Rodrigo aside just as he reached her, and swept her up into his arms.

“What are you doing, Mister Leduc? Put me down! You’re just going to make more of a mess if you don’t let me take care of some of this before you move me.”