He clipped the leash on, and she silently followed him, as did her canine guardians. When he gestured at the dogs to stay, they did the canine equivalent of pouting, but obeyed. The sound of the door opening had Minnow planting her feet firmly in place on the tile.

“Mister Leduc! I’m naked!”

“I’m well aware, Miss Korsgaard, as is my dick.”

“But –”

He gave the leash a tug. “You’re already at the top of my shit list, little girl. Do you really want to test me right now?”

Pretty mouth open, she stammered through a few half-sentences before stopping herself. It was difficult not to kiss her. “What did I do?” She reached out her hands, searching for him, her breasts quivering with her rapid breathing.

He walked her along the back driveway. Nude, collared, leashed, following him like an obedient pet.


He loved her so fucking much that sometimes it was hard to think.

She had no idea what he’d do for her.

He damn well wasn’t going to let her build walls between them.

When they reached the sweeping front steps to the house, he carried her up then knelt her at the top of the stairs, positioning her in his favorite slave posture, with her sleep-wild hair draped over one breast. He let the leash dangle between her pale swells of flesh, loving the tightening of her one still-visible nipple as the cold chain kissed her skin.

“Mister Leduc...where are we?” She turned her head from side to side, as though it would give her a clue.

“The front steps of the house.”

“But Master!” She moved to cover her tits, but let her hands fall back to her thighs when he growled in warning. “Someone might see.”

“You should be seen. I’m pretty sure letting you wear clothing is a sin.”

“Why are we out here? Why am I naked?”

He lowered himself to sit a step below her. “It’s time the secrets stop, Miss Korsgaard. I know you’re hiding something, and it’s time you came clean.”

She fretted at her lip and shifted guiltily.

“Where’s Rodrigo?”

Jealousy made him stiffen. He blew out a breath, striving for patience. “What, you need back-up to talk to me now? No matter what his family calls me, I’m not a beast.”

“No, Master.” Silence descended, and she shifted her weight off one knee. There was probably grit or small stones digging into her smooth skin. If red knees were all she got out of this encounter, she’d be a lucky girl.

“Spit it out, Miss Korsgaard,” he said, voice stern.

“Why here?”

“I come from a house full of fucking secrets. Disgusting secrets. I don’t want that for this house or for our life together. I want you to talk to me like you talk to Rodrigo. To trust me. You were mine first, for fuck’s sake. I hate that you tell him things and go to him for things, and I’m just what? Dominance? A heavy hand and a hard dick?”

She hunched her shoulders. “Why am I naked and blindfolded?”

“You’re blindfolded to make telling the truth easier. You’re naked because I deserve a consolation prize, considering I’ve had to resort to begging to get a straight fucking answer from you.”

Her expression shifted, and he could tell she was trying to guess exactly what he knew.

“I’m your dominant, Miss Korsgaard. I’m his dominant too. Neither of you should be keeping secrets from me. You’re both shutting me out, and it’s pissing me off.”

“I think I hear a car coming, Master.”