
The girl swept up the mess his empty coffee cup made after it had hit the flagstone floor. He’d pushed it off the edge of his desk when she wasn’t looking, but only Rodrigo had seen it happen.

On her knees, she used the small brush and dustpan to get the sharp shards out of the grout between the stones, her every motion jiggling her perfect breasts. Not that Severin was watching. He was reading, and very pointedly not watching.

Just like he hadn’t watched her in fascination as she made more decorations for their Christmas tree – although that had brought on completely different feelings.

“May I go to the kitchen to throw this out, Mister Leduc?”

“You may,” he said with false distraction.

She rose and padded barefoot out of the room, her naked body small and lush compared to the cold grandeur and elegance of the house. In the distance he could hear the pups howling. All four of them. The hooligans were stuck in their bedroom behind a gate while Rodrigo visited, because they couldn’t leave them unsupervised in most rooms of the house.

Rodrigo watched her go while Severin studied his appreciative gaze.

“I need to get one of those,” his friend murmured, leaning sideways in his chair to keep her in view a moment longer.

“It’s not like you’d have trouble finding one.”

“It would be hard to find one like her.” Rodrigo tapped his coffee cup thoughtfully. “You’re keeping her naked all the time now?”

“Not all the time. Just when the mood strikes me and the dogs are gated in their room – otherwise that might get awkward. By the time Church, Ilse and the kids get here I’ll have dressed her, but for you there’s no point.”

He’d also have to stop using her sexy little body anytime the mood struck him. After he’d fucked her on the dining room table the night before she’d complained she’d have to clean it again, but she’d been breathless and flushed. After he took her, her eyes got that sexy satisfied look, and she burrowed against him whether he liked it or not. At first he’d tolerated it, knowing he was supposed to allow it, but now he fucking lived for it.

Rodrigo shifted in his seat, as though pained. “Oh, there’s a point to keeping her dressed around me. Being able to hang out here without having a perpetual boner would be nice.”

Funny, her being naked gave Severin the same problem. “You’ve already had her. You’re still interested?”

Rodrigo raised a brow. “In little Miss Korsgaard? Always. You’re a lucky bastard.”

Severin put his book down and stared at him hard. “If you ever try to take her from me, I’ll fucking kill you.”

For a long moment, Rodrigo just watched him in half-lidded indulgence, like a drunk guy patiently watching his drunk friend being an ass.

“The best part is I’m aware you mean that literally. Why would you think I’d do that to you? You’re my best friend.” Rodrigo shook his head. “You have no idea what to do with your feelings for her, so you’re getting all grunty and territorial. You’ve already marked her as yours – between the bracelet and the nipple piercings and that monstrous collar I’d say you’ve made your claim pretty clear.” Rodrigo sipped his coffee. “What else can you do? I won’t tattoo your name on her face or anything like that, so forget about it.”

“I’m planning to brand her today,” Severin said as evenly as he could.

Rodrigo’s mouth opened, then closed again. “I should talk you out of this, but honestly, I really need to watch.”

“Will you hold her down for me?”

“Hell fucking yes.”

“This is the worst idea I’ve ever had.”


They both turned to watch the door.

“Does she know?” Rodrigo asked.

“No.” His mouth quirked. “I already made the brand, though.”

Rodrigo gave a short laugh. “Knowing Minnow, she’ll let you. If I ever find her equal, I’ll marry the hell out of her.”
