
The girl was, by far, the most beautiful woman in the room. Collared, leashed, kneeling at his feet, the piercings he’d had her marked with clearly outlined through the loose black silk of her dress, his bite marks on her neck – none of it was enough. Other couples tried to engage them in conversation, but for him there was only her, and she was so far into a trance-like subspace that her gaze never left him.

She rested her head on his knee, but although she hadn’t asked, it felt right. He stroked her cheek and she latched onto his thumb when it grazed her lips, sucking as she looked up at him with her wide, sweet gaze. Although the suctioned tugging on his thumb made his balls ache, and the feel of her clever little tongue had him gritting his teeth, the underlying feelings she was giving him – of contentment and optimism, of not being alone, of having someone who was his who he belonged to as well – those feelings made him uneasy.

His first instinct was to ruin things before something else went drastically wrong – to ruin things on his own terms. This connection he had with Minnow was too good. The temptation to let go and enjoy it, even though it was temporary, was strong – but he didn’t get to have this feeling without a price. It wouldn’t be a price he could handle paying.

Rodrigo sat down in the chair next to Severin’s and watched them for a few moments.

“See? You’re fine at parties when you don’t pay attention to anything except your girl’s mouth.”

Severin blinked and looked around. He’d been as entranced as she was. Rodrigo’s little get together had turned into about twenty guests. Most people in the room were busy doing their own thing, either engaged in scenes or socializing, but a few watched them. It was hard to be self-conscious when only she mattered.

“You don’t want to play with her here – show her off? You could just take her back to your room if you want to.”

He wanted to take her back to his room, and yet he didn’t. Attending this party was supposed to be for her, but she was too focused on him to enjoy the company of other people. Maybe he’d just use the other people watching them to edge her a bit more before he took her somewhere private.


She rose, and her braless breasts swayed under the silk of her long gown, completely distracting him for a moment. He slid the straps off her shoulders and let the dress skim down her body and pool like a shadow at her feet. The black panties she wore were more tiny ribbons and bows than actual fabric, and he couldn’t be sure if the groan he heard came from him or Rodrigo. Hell, Severin had dressed her – undressing her shouldn’t be this exciting.

“Are you a good girl?” Severin asked her.

“I try to be, Mister Leduc.”

“Then you’ll let me do what I want, even if you don’t like it?”

“Always, Mister Leduc.”

There was another quiet groan, but this time Severin was pretty sure it had come from him.

Standing between him and Rodrigo, naked except for the panties, and his collar and leash, she was all softness and compliance.

He led her through the crowd until they were under a bar suspended from the ceiling. From his pocket, he withdrew the wide black sash he’d bought from Mari earlier and tied her wrists to the bar with a big, floppy bow.

Rodrigo had followed them, and surveyed his handiwork from behind her. “A gift?” he asked. “You shouldn’t have.”

“I could use an extra set of hands, actually.”

Minnow let out a long, low whine. Severin and Rodrigo both shuddered.

“What are we doing to her this time?” Ro asked, his voice rough and his gaze hot on Severin.

“She was complaining about being frustrated earlier, so obviously we need to make sure she stays that way.”

Rodrigo grinned cruelly. “Obviously.”

Chapter Eleven

“Oh god,” Minnow whispered. “Evil fucking bastards. I hate you both.”

“Yeah.” Rodrigo snorted. “I could see how much you hated Severin a few minutes ago.”

She’d been so content and now Severin wanted to start this again?

They both leered at her and she stomped her foot impatiently, which made her round parts jiggle. Their interest only increased.

Severin gazed at her hungrily. “Touch her wherever you want, but no penetration.”