ou don’t just give away money like that. I wasn’t wrestling piranhas or anything.”

He pulled her to face him, not caring that Rodrigo was hearing this. “How many people could handle what I did to you last night? I know the money is awkward because of the employer/employee/sexual relationship thing, but just take it as an apology for what you have to put up with.”

She reached out to put a hand on his chest, but didn’t touch. He pulled her closer and when her hand connected with his chest, she ran her finger along the edge of his T-shirt’s frayed neckline. The contact made him want to set her away, but he clenched his jaw and let it happen. It felt good, but it also made him tense.

“You don’t need to pay me to put up with you. You’re a complicated man to be in lo...volved with, but I’m with you because I...like you.”

The way she’d paused in the middle of the word ‘involved’ made him wonder what she’d almost said. “Well, will you take it as a gift?”

“No. I’m more than willing to take gifts of orgasms, though.”

The idea of apologizing to her until she begged him to stop was an interesting one. She dropped her hand away from the tentative exploration of his neckline, filling him with disappointment and relief.

“We’ll talk later. For now let’s go see what Mari brought with her.” He picked up the envelope of money and tucked it into the inside pocket of her backpack.


“I have nowhere to put it.”

“So this is how it’s going to go is it?” she teased. “You’re pretending to like me so you can make me carry your shit? Typical millionaire.”

“Billionaire,” Rodrigo corrected quietly.

Severin shook his head at Minnow in mock disapproval. “You’re so desperate to be punished you’re resorting to bratting in front of our host?”

“Sorry,” she said, narrowing her eyes in challenge, “I didn’t realize we were still standing on ceremony with Mr. Solis after the other night.”

Rodrigo winced and sauntered from the room, giving them privacy.

“Miss Korsgaard, is there a problem?” he asked, crowding her until she backed into the foyer, stopping when her ass hit the edge of the round table in the center.

Lust flared in her eyes, but she didn’t answer.

He unzipped her jeans and tugged them down to her thighs, then turned her and bent her over the table, revealing a lacy purple thong that framed her bruised ass the way it deserved to be seen – bruises he’d left on her, that made him feel rabidly proprietary. Fuck, the woman made him crazy.

“Answer the question now, Miss Korsgaard.”

“Yes!” she hissed. “There’s a problem.”

“And what’s that?” He swatted her plump ass, watching it jiggle rather than leaning down to bite it the way he wanted to.

“You keep me on edge for ages, ask me to ride one of your big sexy bikes all the way here, which is like a fucking vibrator on steroids, then you go all caveman on a man who disrespects me. Then you sit me on your lap and pet me, and I know your dick is hard, and I’m about to lose my fucking mind.” Although she’d started at a whisper, she was yelling by the end of it.

“So you’re bratting because?”

“You’re hot and you drive me crazy on purpose, yet no matter what I do you won’t fuck me.”

“I guess you’ve failed to give me the right incentive.”

“I know you’re hard. I was sitting on your lap.”

That went without saying. The woman kept him perpetually hard. She was all he could think about.

“What the fuck do you want, Miss Korsgaard? You want me to breed you right here in Rodrigo’s foyer, like some little bitch in heat?”

She gave a small whimper and thrust her ass back at him in blatant invitation. “Please,” she whispered.

“You can wait.”