He raised a brow at her and she rolled her eyes.

“But you hadn’t needed birth control before that?”

“Nah. The girl I dated before him was always careful to pull out.” She winked.

He would not allow his mind to drift to Minnow making out with a woman. No. Not letting himself think about it.

“Nothing?” she asked, incredulous. “Not even a flicker of interest?”

He shook his head. “I’m not saying I wouldn’t watch, but you’d still need permission.”

“Of course, Master. I’m an honorable slut.”

He inclined his head, glad she followed those sorts of rules, at least. “Who are the letters from?”

“From my grandparents to each other, during the Vietnam War.”

“Have you read them all?”

“Nooo... No, no. I can’t read them. They’re really fucking dirty.” She giggled. “At least I know where I get it from. My mother was going to burn them.”

He turned to the next drawer.

“Wait!” she said, her voice shrill. “Don’t you think that’s enough self-disclosure for one day?”

He gauged her reaction to his hand on the drawer pull. She looked like she might faint.

“Apparently not.” He opened the drawer.

“Don’t be upset. I can explain.”

In the drawer with her socks and flannel pajamas was a very familiar looking shirt.

He pulled the shirt free and held it out. “And here I thought you were an honorable slut.”

“There’s honor among thieves?” she said hopefully.

When he crossed his arms and raised a brow, she shivered.

“Why is one of my T-shirts in your drawer, Miss Korsgaard? It’s not even clean.”

“If I washed it, it wouldn’t smell like you.” She fell back on the bed, the shirt she wore parting to reveal the bounce of her breasts as her body settled on the mattress. With her legs hanging over the end of the bed way they were, he was tempted to part those creamy thighs of hers and use his tongue to find out just how aroused she was.

“Why would you need a shirt that smelled like me?”

“I just...wanted it. I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d notice.”

“Is this the one I put on you after the night in my office with Rodrigo?”

“Yes.” She smiled shyly, looking up at him from her back, her expression soft and receptive. It was so difficult for him to believe she liked him more than Ro, but she was gradually convincing him.

He put the shirt back in her drawer and she clapped her hands. “Thank you!”

“If you want to steal anythi

ng else of mine, you’d better ask first or there’ll be painful consequences, understood?”

“Oh,” she said, sounding nervous.