“And how do you propose to get me used to something I don’t like?”

“Let me do things for you. I could shave you, brush your hair, give you massages.”

“You’re just trying to get your hands on my dick.”

“My hands? Sure, but that’s not all I had in mind.” She pulled her pajama pants the rest of the way off and his body responded immediately to the implied invitation. When she knelt up on the mattress and her fingers moved to start unbuttoning her top, he was riveted in place. The prim neckline became exposed cleavage, soft belly, bellybutton, open shirt. She slid the edges of her shirt slowly aside, lingering over her nipple, brushing back and forth over it until it was a stiff upturned peak begging for his mouth. The smoothness of her pussy beckoned to him, inviting him to explore her again.

Fuck exploring. He wanted to claim her as his...

But not yet. Especially not when she was trying to bait him into it.

He gave her an arrogant grin. “Shower and get ready.”

“I couldn’t be more ready,” she said, begging with her eyes.

“I’m serious. We’re going into town.”

She swore and collapsed onto the bed, her hand sneaking down to cup between her legs. The subtle play of her fingers made him grit his teeth.

“You’d better not come without permission.”

Her gaze grew hazed with lust as she watched him. Slowly, her legs parted and she began to stroke herself there, her hips shifting as she teased herself. She angled her

lush body to show him what she was doing.

“I’d never come without your permission unless it was an accident, Mister Leduc.” Her breath caught and her eyes fluttered closed as her cheeks bloomed pink with desire.

Watching was rewarding bad behavior, even if it was sexy bad behavior, so he went through her closet.

“What are you doing?” she asked, laughing. He heard the rustle of her sitting up in bed.

“Choosing what I want you to wear.”

“To go out?” she asked, incredulous. “Is this some sort of fancy date with power dynamics thrown in?”

“No. This is me choosing what I want to see you in.” He chose a red sweater that would go well with her coloring, and a pair of jeans he liked on her, and threw them onto the bed.


He went to her drawer and she scrambled off the bed. “Stay on the bed,” he snapped.

“But –”

“But?” He turned to face her, and she nibbled at her bottom lip. “I hope there’s nothing embarrassing in here.”

“You’re going through my things?”

He snorted. “Yes. And I will whenever I please.”

“Ugh.” She pressed the palms of her hands against her eyes, as if she couldn’t bear to watch.

More curious now, he went through the contents of each drawer, holding up various bra and panty sets he hadn’t seen on her yet – some functional, some meant for the eyes of a lover rather than to be worn under clothing. Both aroused him for different reasons.

As he sorted through things, he took note of various personal items she had tucked away. A picture of her with an older man and woman – all three of them smiling. He assumed they were her parents, from the resemblance. Strange how there was only one picture. He held it up.

