“Stop that, or I’ll take a belt to your pretty pussy,” he said, wishing that keeping her on edge wasn’t part of the plan. Watching her do something so instinctive and uninhibited because of him was a power trip, and the motion of her hips and ass, almost made him too weak to stop her. Precome leeched into his jeans, but he ignored his own discomfort.

She stopped rubbing against the pillow, dropping her forehead to the bed.

“You are the cruelest man I’ve ever met. That huge plug is never going to fit. You’re going to hurt me.”

“Hurting you makes me hard, Miss Korsgaard, but that’s not the point of this.” He picked up the plug – the smallest in the set he’d ordered. ?

??This shouldn’t hurt. This is so that I don’t damage you when I take you here sometime in the future.”

“So you are planning to have sex with me eventually?” she ground out.

“Maybe,” he teased. “I’m not sure I’m interested.” If he were any more interested his dick would explode.

He slid the plug against her anus, watching in fascination as she clenched against it. Her fists curled into the bottom sheet and she was whispering “No, no, no.”

“No?” He pulled the plug away, and she shifted backward as though her body wanted it even if her brain didn’t.

“Oh, for fuck’s sakes. Just do it.”

He raised his hand to swat her again, but decided words might be better this one time. “Now you’re in a rush? Maybe I should skip prepping you and shove my cock in there.” He pressed his hips against her ass and slid his finger through the lube.

“No!” She shuddered. “I’m sorry. I’ll behave. Don’t stick your monster cock in my ass with no prep or you’ll have to bring me to the hospital.” Even though the words were vehement, her hips started to rock again, pushing against his finger with every rock backward.

Her body started to open to him, and his finger slipped slowly into her up to the first knuckle. She hissed and her ass clenched around his finger. A grunt escaped him, and his cock twitched hard.

“Please, Mister Leduc...sir...master.” She was sobbing, and his cock felt as if it was going to burst. She moaned. “Oh fuck, do it if you want to. I’ll take anything right now. Anything you want. Please just let me come.”

Reluctantly, he withdrew his finger, and pressed the plug against her instead. She mewled, but let him fuck it into her as he watched her body accept it bit by bit. By the time it was fully seated in her body, the base holding her ass cheeks slightly apart, and they were both breathing hard.

“Master? Now why would you call me that?” he asked, his voice gruff. “If you’re a slave to anything, it’s to your body, not to me.”

“It’s you I want.” She shoved back at him, nudging at his cock again, smearing lube from her ass across the front of his jeans. “You’ve shown me who’s the master of my body, and it’s not me.”

He flipped her over and pulled the pillow out from where it was still half under her body. Soaked. He shoved the pillow close to her face.

“Look what you did.”

She shook her head, sweat dampened strands of hair sticking to her face and curling around her neck.

“Please, master! I’m sorry. I can’t control how you make me feel.” Her arms fell helplessly over her head, and her breasts jiggled, the barbells in them glinting prettily in the firelight.

“I told you the rules.” He crawled on top of her sweet little body, and straddled her thighs. One tug and his jeans unbuttoned with a quick series of pops. The girl panted and wriggled beneath him.

“Please, Mister Leduc, can I suck your cock?” she whispered, pleading with her eyes.

So tempting.

He wrapped his hand around his painfully erect dick and drew it from his precome dampened jeans.

The girl squirmed, trying to move lower, her gaze fastened on his cock. Her lips parted as if she was already imagining sucking him off. She was so fucking beautiful.

He ran his hand over his shaft. So desperate for her, but this was good for her – to feel who was in charge, rather than just saying the words.

Watching her hungrily, he began to slowly stroke himself. She claimed she’d never wanted a man so badly, but he’d never wanted a woman before her. Now she was all he could think about.

“Don’t fucking move.”

“What?” she squeaked as she clued into what he planned to do. “You wouldn’t!”