“I like gentle. Not every woman does, though.”

“I don’t care what other women like.” He leaned in and ghosted the tip of his tongue over her clit hood. She sobbed and tried to squirm away, but there was no escaping the iron grip he used on her thighs. He did it again then flicked his tongue over the sensitive skin around it. Flick, flick, flick. She held her breath and dug her heels into the wood of the workbench, arching against his grip in an effort to get closer.

“You said you like gentle,” he reminded her.


His mouth investigated her, tasting her, far less squeamish about it than she’d expected, and far better at teasing than he had any right to be.

When she was panting hard and writhing in his grip, he still seemed to have all the patience in the world. Oh, yeah – he’d told her to masturbate. It had not so strangely slipped her mind.

She wiggled her hand between his mouth and her sex, toying with her clit harder than he’d been doing, desperate for relief. He nipped her finger, then sucked it into his mouth, released it again and attacked her clit, then moved lower. He spread her pussy open to him and he slid his tongue inside her, exploring, tasting, then moved lower still, touching his tongue to her perineum. She gasped and tried to push him away, but he ignored her protests, the stroking of his tongue there making her whimper nervously.

“What’s the matter, Miss Korsgaard?”

“I don’t –” It was hard to focus with his tongue moving like that, unhurried, dipping back into her pussy, but then moving lower again. He spread her legs wider then pushed them toward her chest.

“Oh fuck. Please, Mister Leduc. Don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t go any farther. Please, Mister Leduc. I don’t – I’ve never...”

He stopped, then moved up to torture her clit again, already knowing too damn well how to keep her on edge and not let her come. He nuzzled feathery-soft kisses all around her clit, making her cry out in desperation.

“Just because you haven’t done something, doesn’t mean you won’t like it. Isn’t that what you keep trying to tell me? Don’t you want to set a good example?”

“Oh fuck. This is extortion.” She’d never let anyone have her ass, not that there’d been a lack of trying. What was it with dominant men wanting every inch of a girl?

“You keep pushing all sorts of my boundaries, and you’re not even willing to let me do this?”

“I –” Willing wasn’t the issue. She didn’t actually want him to stop, but it was something she had issues with, even though she knew ass play was pretty vanilla.

When she didn’t finish her sentence, his mouth drifted lower again, his tongue flicking and feeling far too good.

“You taste like you just showered,” he murmured between licks. “What’s the problem?”

“I –?

?? She gasped desperately. “...don’t like it.”

“I thought you said you hadn’t tried it.”

She whined as he got to her perineum again. Her legs shook. Anticipation knotted her belly.

“That’s true.”

“Then how do you know?” His mouth moved lower. Last chance to safeword.

She squeezed her eyes shut and let him press her legs wider. He dragged his tongue downward, flicking over her anus so gently it tickled.

“No...please!” She tried to close her legs, but he wouldn’t allow it.

“Ah, ah. I’m not done.”

“No, no. No more,” she begged. It felt too weird and too personal and too damned good and she didn’t want to like it – not after refusing anal again and again with every ex she’d ever had. “Oh fuck...fuck.”

He paused, as though listening for the safeword she couldn’t bring herself to say.