“I try not to have them, but you keep forcing them on me,” he snarled. “I can’t control myself like other people can. I get angry, and I don’t know how to stop myself.”

Great. A horny, angry man with a poor opinion of his own self-control now had her pinned down in a building on the grounds of a house in the middle of nowhere. They were completely alone. No one was around to stop him.

“If I didn’t trust you, I wouldn’t have agreed to stay alone with you when Sutton went to visit her sister.” Her heart thudded hard, calling her a liar.

“You shouldn’t trust me!” he bellowed. Rising panic made her struggle, but he didn’t let her go. “You don’t know what I think about. You don’t know all the things I fantasize about doing to you. I try to stay away from you, and you push and push. Why aren’t you afraid of me?”

“You haven’t betrayed my trust, Mister Leduc.”

“Do you have any idea how hard it is for me – having you living under my roof? Sleeping just down the hall? Having you walking around smelling like this...wearing clothes I could tear off of you?” He groaned and thrust against her ass. “You’re a heartbeat away from being stripped naked and fucked anytime you’re within arm’s reach. I’d crush you to the ground as you fought me, but you’re too small to get away. I could do whatever I wanted.”

He shuddered on top of her, breathing hard. Her pussy twinged with a mini-orgasm just from the feel of him on her and knowing he was barely in control. No one had ever wanted her like he did.

“Why do you go out of your way to tempt me, Miss Korsgaard?”

She didn’t. Not really. Accusing her of tempting him on purpose just by existing wasn’t fair, but was she sorry he found her tempting? No. She couldn’t even pretend she was sorry.

“Why do you think I’d try to stop you?”

In a rush, he brushed up her flared skirt and groaned – she assumed because he’d discovered her hose was actually a pair of stockings. Her panties came down next then he was on his knees behind her, dragging the scrap of silk all the way off. She waited, her breath harsh, wondering what the hell he was doing back there. Just...looking? Her cheeks burned and she frowned down at the table in dismay.

Sharp pain to one ass cheek made her screech in surprise. Teeth? That had definitely felt like teeth. He kissed the spot better and the feel of his lips on her bare flesh made her whimper.

“Your ass makes me crazy.”

“You were crazy before my ass made an appearance, Mister Leduc.”

He bit her again. Again. Again. Gentle nips interspersed with hard bites, and there was no way of anticipating which would come next, but the sound of his groans when she hissed in pain made every cruelty orgasmic. She spread her legs and angled back with impatient invitation, wishing he’d plunge his cock into her already.

He flipped her onto her back, and splayed her legs wide, held prisoner by rude, rough hands as he examined her in the low light. He spread her labia, looking as if he planned to draw a diagram from memory later.

She whimpered and thrust her hips upward, wanting more but not game to ask.


“Nothing, Mister Leduc.”

“You sound upset.”

“Just...” She sighed. “Impatient for relief.”

“You want to come?”

She bit her lip and nodded.

“What if I like leaving you horny? I’ve left you in a bad way twice now.” He blew a gentle stream of air over her damp slit. “I love thinking about you frustrated and squirming in bed.”

“I’m a big girl.” She swallowed a groan. “I can fix it myself.”

“No. Bad girl.” He glared and slapped her pussy four times in quick succession, shocking her, each smack stinging and unhesitant. “If I leave you horny, you don’t get to fix it yourself.” The smacks had done more to turn her on than correct her behavior.

She struggled to get her breathing under control. “Okay, okay! But what about just regular masturbating, when it’s not because of something you did?”

“You masturbate to thoughts of other men?” he asked, looking ominous.

“No, not lately,” she admitted, shame-faced. “I think it’s only been about you since I met you.”

He grunted. Was that a pleased grunt or a displeased grunt? She needed a Neanderthal to English translator.