“Oh my god, oh my god,” she chanted.

Ro shook his head in disapproval. “You’d better hold her tighter, Severin. I don’t know if she’s going to be able to handle this. And whatever you do, woman, don’t scream.”

Severin wrapped his arm around her waist and took a rougher grasp of her breast. The girl cried out, melting against him. It wasn’t going to hurt half as bad as she thought, but he had to admit that Rodrigo’s mindfuck was making the situation even hotter than he’d expected it to be.

Ro slid the forceps over the stiff bud, pinched then pulled the skin taut.

“Are you going to close your eyes?” Severin asked her.

She shook her head. “No. The needle is so sharp! Is it supposed to be that sharp?”

“He’s going to sink it deep into your pretty pink nipple, and do you know why?”


“Because we want to hurt you.”

She froze as Rodrigo paused, needle ready. Severin could feel the wet heat of her seeping through her jeans and making a damp spot on his thigh. Rodrigo menaced her soft flesh with the thick needle longer than necessary, and Severin realized he was holding his breath. Rodrigo’s eyes slitted, and a muscle in his jaw ticked.

“Breathe through it,” Severin coaxed.

She blew out a breath just as Rodrigo pushed the needle through.

“Oh god!” She bucked in Severin’s arms, but he held her still, hoping he wasn’t bruising her.

“Shh. The hard part is done,” Rodrigo murmured.

She keened and shuddered, fighting his grip, then cried out, grinding against his thigh before collapsing against him. For a moment he thought she’d fainted, but then her eyelids fluttered open.

“Oh my god. I’m so sorry,” she giggled, then sobbed, putting a hand over her eyes.

“Fuck.” Rodrigo laughed. “You’d better trade that bracelet in for a collar fast, my friend, otherwise I’ll steal her from you.”

They smiled at each other, but it wasn’t friendly. The girl was amping up the sexual tension in the room, but that tension was often there anyway, when the two men were alone.

“You okay?” Severin ask

ed, loosening his grip on her rib cage temporarily. She drew a deep breath.

“After an orgasm like that she’d better be okay.” Rodrigo fed the barbell through and fastened the other end of it, his hands shaking. When he was finished that side he disposed of the sharp and stripped off his gloves, then made a show of fiddling with equipment, but from the size of the bulge in his jeans he was probably just stalling until he calmed down. Damn good thing because Severin needed to calm the fuck down too.

The girl was looking down at her new piercing, and he could feel the muscles in her ass shifting as she whined under her breath. He was all too aware of the brush of her bare skin against his chest and how good it felt to have her pressed against him, but facing away so he could control the contact. Her pain was turning him on, but so were her reactions, and the feeling of dominance from holding her still while Rodrigo hurt her. The pain of each of his own piercings came back fresh, and his ribs burned where his new tattoo was.

By the time Rodrigo had composed himself, Severin still hadn’t. Then again, Ro had presumably gotten off not long before they arrived.

“You ready?” Rodrigo asked them.

“Yes. For almost anything at this point.” She laughed in what sounded like self-derision.

Rodrigo grinned at Severin. “You ever want to double team her, you know where to find me.”

An uncomfortable feeling threatened, but he was the king of uncomfortable feelings. Jealousy. Like he had any call to be jealous? He’d marked her, but she wasn’t really his. And this was Rodrigo. The man had handled him more intimately than anyone else except her. They didn’t talk about what happened the last time Rodrigo had pierced him, but Severin hadn’t forgotten.

Hell, double teaming her might be less intimidating than being alone with her. At least someone would know how to satisfy her. Would Rodrigo win her away from him? Yes, if he wanted her. Losing her was inevitable. Losing her to Rodrigo might be easier than losing her to some other idiot. At least Rodrigo would deserve her.

For now, though, she was sort of his. He could enjoy her while he had her.

Severin settled the girl more comfortably on his lap again as Rodrigo put on a fresh pair of gloves.