Rodrigo hid his incredulous expression with a mocking bow. “I’m a multipurpose friend.”

“I think this means you win the contest of which of Severin’s friends is the most multipurpose, Rodrigo.”

Severin didn’t like the way the girl said Ro’s name – with too much familiarity. Interests in common. Friends in common. A strange discomfort ate at his stomach.

“No,” Rodrigo countered, “I think you’ve won that one.” His tone held a hint of envy, but Miss Korsgaard didn’t seem to notice.

They followed Rodrigo through the impeccably decorated house to the basement.

“So what am I doing to you today?”

“A tattoo,” Severin replied. “A relatively small one.”

“Sure.” He started moving around the tattoo studio, prepping things.

“You’re also going to pierce this hellion’s nipples for me.”

Minnow sucked in a breath. “What?”

Rodrigo paused long enough to frown at him. “I won’t do it unless she consents.”

“She has a fucking safeword.” The words came out as more of a growl, and he didn’t miss the way the girl’s eyelids fluttered. He grabbed her hair and she mewled, making his cock twitch. “Do you have any objections?”

“No, Mister Leduc.”

“I didn’t think so.”

Rodrigo kept working on getting supplies ready, giving them a moment.

“You like him,” Severin whispered in her ear.

“No, sir,” she whispered back.

Mollified, he stripped out of his T-shirt and took the picture he’d sketched from his back pocket. Rodrigo took the paper and examined it before setting it aside.

“Like we talked about? On your ribs?”


Minnow drifted over to the table where Rodrigo had set down the paper, and glanced at it before rolling her eyes.

“A girl demon on the boy demon’s leash? Having her kneeling wasn’t enough?”

“Both is better.”

“Beware. Your Mister Leduc has a serious leash fetish. He’ll be leading you around town on one soon if you don’t safeword.”

“He’s warned me. He tried to disguise it as a joke about me being his service human, but I wasn’t fooled.”

“A full-service human, are you?”

Minnow smirked at Severin and gave him a challenging look. “Maybe if he’s a good little dominant.”

“A sexy girl with a bratty mouth.” Rodrigo groaned. “Be still my heart.”

Severin’s hand flashed out and grabbed her wrist before he realized what he was doing, and he upended her on his lap. He paused, but she didn’t try to get away, so he delivered six hard smacks to her gorgeous ass before shoving her back to her feet.

“Don’t fucking test me, Miss Korsgaard.”