“Oh no, I couldn’t possibly,” he protested with a friendly but remote smile.

“Is he in the basement?” Severin asked.

John’s gaze drifted to Minnow then back to Severin, a frown of disapproval creasing his brow.

“It’s fine, John. She’s open-minded.”

John inclined his head but still seemed reluctant to say much. “The master is entertaining.”

“Upstairs or down?”

Rodrigo strolled into the foyer then, buttoning the cuff of the tailored dress shirt that hid a wealth of tattoos, his usually smooth hair rumpled in a dashing way. The bastard. When he saw Severin, his face broke into a wide, warm grin.

“You really need to learn how to call ahead, jackass.”

Severin felt his mouth twitch in an attempt at a smile. Rodrigo was the only person on earth who was always happy to see him. “Who’s here?”

“No one now. Jenny and Antje just left.”

“You don’t even look tired.”

Rodrigo laughed. “You know those two. No work for me. I’m just their voyeur.”

Minnow made a small sound of amusement, and Rodrigo swung his head around looking for the source. He hadn’t seen her standing off to the side.

“Well hello there.” His usual smile of amusement turned up several watts, and he took a few steps toward her with that smooth grace of his.

Why couldn’t Severin have a best friend who was a bit unfortunate looking? Maybe someone who wasn’t almost as tall as Severin, who didn’t have the polite kind of muscle that looked dashing under a dress shirt, and who didn’t have a wicked smile and mischievous eyes. Women always wanted to know what he was amused about. Rodrigo’s ex always bemoaned the fact that he had that mix of danger and fun that made him irresistible to other women, even though he wasn’t one to stray if he was in a relationship.


“Rodrigo, this is my new handler, Minnow.”

“You know my first name, Mister Leduc?”

“A handler?” Rodrigo laughed, the sound booming through the foyer. “Does she keep you on a tight leash, you big bastard?” He slapped Severin’s shoulder companionably. Severin gritted his teeth, but he’d grown used to Rodrigo’s manhandling over the years. “No one envies you your job, preciosa. How long have you been working for Sev?”

“Awhile, although he just started tolerating me a few days ago.”

His smile quirked up further at one corner. “Did you bribe him with food? Food doesn’t always work, but it’s more likely to get his attention than anything else.”

“I let him boss me around. He likes me more when he gets to tell me what to do.”

Ro snorted, but his sharp eyes were assessing her, assessing Severin, reading body language and making calculations.

Severin didn’t like the way Rodrigo was carefully not checking her out now, as though he’d f

igured out Severin liked her.

“Come on up. You wouldn’t have brought her here if she was squeamish. Then again, knowing you, maybe you would.”

Rodrigo led them up the staircase, with Severin insisting Minnow go first so he could watch her ass. Instead, his gaze fastened on the bracelet she hadn’t taken off. A heavy wave of satisfaction rolled over him. Stupid. Crazy. If he thought he could get away with it, he’d weld a metal collar around her neck even though she wasn’t actually his.

Today a basic array of equipment and implements stood around the sun-drenched living room. Severin had done most of the metalwork to Rodrigo’s specifications, heavy, but easily folded and moved by men their size with the features Ro had asked him to include. Hinges, lockable wheels. It meant rarely walking into the same dungeon twice. It also meant things could be put into storage if necessary.

Minnow’s gaze swept over every bit of the room but she didn’t seem fazed.

“Nice set-up,” she said to Rodrigo, who seemed to be waiting for a reaction from her.