“Uh huh. And how many times have you jacked off thinking about it?”

His teeth let go of her neck. “Too many.” He grabbed her hair, yanking her head back. Slowly, as though waiting for her to object, he lowered his mouth to hers. The first brush of their lips sent a spark through her, and his breath hissed in as though he’d felt it too. He brushed his lips back and forth over hers, testing, then deepened the kiss.

Unable to resist, she kissed him back, flicking her tongue over the seam of his lips when he didn’t automatically open his mouth. His lips parted, and she sought out his tongue with her own. Tentatively, he kissed her back, gradually getting bolder until he’d completely taken charge and her spine was in danger of melting completely. The commanding dart of his tongue in her mouth, and the movement of his mouth made her imagine what it would be like to have him go down on her, but she doubted he ever would if he thought that her swallowing was disgusting.

His leg nudged between hers, and she whimpered as his thigh pressed against her heated core. The heat and pressure of his thigh against her pussy forced a moan from her, which he caught in his demanding mouth. She clutched at her shirt hem, trying to keep her hands to herself while also trying to keep

her clothing decent while he investigated the boundaries of her bra with curious fingers.

An indignant, unfamiliar giggle reminded Minnow of where they were, with his tongue down her throat and his hand slowly and possessively roaming her body.

“Oh my god, get a room,” a teenage girl admonished as she and her tittering friend strolled past into the back. They thought they were funny until they glanced back and got a better look at Severin, whose wrathful gaze was enough to make them duck meekly into their break room.

When his gaze swung back to Minnow, she shrank back against the wall and shook her head.

“Don’t even think about it. We need to stop.”

The combination of pissed and horny in his expression didn’t bode well.

“I forgot where we were,” he admitted.

No subterfuge with this man. It was an interesting change after the type of men she normally dated – self-possessed, controlled, smooth. Severin’s reactions to her made her want to push him into losing his composure. Not a safe thing to do with a man who weighed at least a hundred and sixty pounds more than her, who was well over a foot taller.

He leaned in again, and for a moment she thought he was going to keep making out with her, but he only licked her bottom lip and backed off. It was as if he hadn’t been able to stop himself from taking one more taste. His gaze had gone hazy and sensual again, and she bit her lip where he’d licked her. Visions of him putting her to her hands and knees and taking her roughly from behind intruded into her thoughts. If there was a sign up list for that, she wanted her name at the top.

Regretfully, they had to stop this before they got arrested.

“Taking you to the mall was a mistake,” he grumbled as he grabbed the shopping bags and led her from the hallway. Thank goodness his hands were full. It might keep his hands occupied with something other than her for a while.

“I’m not a good service human?”

“Not if you’re leaving me painfully hard in a public place, no.”

“Who dragged who off into a secluded hallway for nefarious reasons?”

“Nefarious? An eighth-grade makeout session at the mall is hardly nefarious.” He smirked.

“Well...it was more like ninth grade for me. I was a late bloomer.”

He smacked her ass, shocking the hell out of her. She felt heat staining her cheeks, and she glared at him.

“Hands to yourself, Mister Leduc.”

“You going to report me for sexual harassment?”

“Well, I’d have to report myself first, and that would be all kinds of awkward.”

He led her out front and hailed a cab, then gave the driver his address and another roll of cash, along with his purchases. Apparently cabbies delivered things to the middle of nowhere if you paid them enough upfront. Who knew? They always refused to come to the house for her, but money in hand seemed to be enough incentive.

“Where to now?”

“I need to see my financial planner, right after I do one more thing.”

“Sounds exciting.”

“He’s also my best friend.”

She frowned at him. “So you have a housekeeper who’s your mother, a former paid companion who’s now your brother, and a best friend who’s your financial planner. Are you married to your hairdresser?”