“It’s fine to leave it long, but you’d have to tie it better to make it look neat.” She held out the bags and he took them from her. “I could do it for you.”

“You’re going to be my valet?” he asked. “You’re too pretty for that.”

Pretty? The statement had come out so awkwardly that it meant more than some flatterer eloquently praising her. Knowing Severin, he’d probably never said the word pretty in his life except to be sarcastic. “And I’m too smart too, but hey, you’re the boss.”

“True. And you really seem to like it when I order you around.”

So flirty today. What had gotten into the brute?

“I have to admit, being ordered around while I’m fully dressed is a new one for me,” she said, without missing a beat. If he wanted to play that game, she was more than able to keep up. “Kinky, but I can handle it.”

“You really think you can handle me, don’t you,” he said. “Hellion. You’re not afraid of me anymore.”

“Hellion? Is that what you think my first name is?”

“Well, Hel Korsgaard would be better than Minnow. Very Norwegian. A bit of armor and a flying horse and you could moonlight as a Valkyrie.”

“If I was a Valkyrie, you wouldn’t be able to boss me around. I definitely wouldn’t let a man treat me like you do.”

“What have I done that’s so terrible?”

“Giving me the silent treatment because I gave you a blowjob wasn’t very nice.”

Abruptly, he veered off and walked down a service hallway. She followed, unsure. Was he looking for a restroom?

He stopped, then turned on her and dropped the bags. Using his body to corral her in, he backed her against the wall without touching her. He put his hands on the wall to either side of her head, trapping her there. His face was close – too close – and for a heart stopping moment she was sure he’d kiss her. The need for his lips on hers made her feel like her bones were melting.

“You’re making me crazy on purpose.”

“You were crazy long before I came along, sir.”

He was breathing hard, and she wished she could reach down and grab his cock. His eyes were wild. Every time his chest rose, it brushed against hers, and she wanted to drag him even closer.

“Sir?” he finally managed to say.

Shit. She shrugged like the slip was no big deal. “You’re my boss. Sir is respectful, isn’t it?”

“You’re doing this on purpose.”

“What am I doing on purpose?”

He smacked his hand against the wall. “Why do you smell like that?”

“Like what?”

He leaned closer, inhaling near her hair. She froze, pressing her hands flat against the wall behind her, afraid she’d forget herself and touch him. The sight of his bared stomach in the fitting room had made this no touching thing even harder. The man had so many ridges of hard muscle hiding under his baggy T-shirt it boggled her mind. She needed to explore them, count them maybe. His face was in her neck, and she was desperate for something – any kind of contact from him.

He breathed her in and shuddered, then dragged his tongue up the side of her neck, tasting her.

It felt like he was barely in control of himself, and, like an idiot, that excited her. She probably shouldn’t be sticking her hand in the wolf’s cage, but he was a magnificent beast. And it was her job, right? Yes. This was about work. Totally.

“If you didn’t like having your cock sucked, Mister Leduc, you could have just said so. There’s no need to be nasty about it.”

“You let me come in your pretty mouth and you fucking swallowed it,” he said harshly. Slowly, his body crushed hers against the wall. His erection dug into her belly, and she gasped.

“Was I supposed to spit?” she asked, her voice low and suggestive. “Sorry. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“It was disgusting.” His mouth closed over the spot where he’d licked, and his teeth sank into her skin – sharp, punitive. She whimpered, hot chills running through her, making it so hard not to touch him. This no touching thing was fucking hellish. If it was just because he wasn’t used to being touched, she was going to make it her mission to fix it. Wait. Did no touching mean she also couldn’t push him away?