“Don’t forget again or you’ll be punished.”

Punished? She shivered. Hell, this man was deliberately fucking with her submissive tendencies. He had to be.

Before she could think of something to say, he stalked off after the saleswoman, who grabbed a pair of jeans off a pile and held them out to him like an offering to a wrathful deity.

“Why is this woman trying to sell me jeans that have holes in them?” he called to Minnow as she approached. “I already have jeans with holes. I’m here to get jeans without holes.”

“It’s the style, s-sir,” the saleswoman stammered. “There may be some that aren’t as distressed.” She scurried off, doubtlessly to flee for her life.

The saleswoman calling Severin ‘sir’ made Minnow want to claw her eyes out. Like she had any right to be jealous, or reason to be from this poor woman?

“Hear that? We can go home. Tell Sutton I’m in style,” he grumbled. “Distressed is in.”

“Hey, that means I’ve been emotionally in style since I started working for you.”


Minnow held up a T-shirt to check the size, wondering if anything in the store would even fit him.

“Not that.”

She looked at the blue T-shirt. It had a paler blue logo on it. “What’s wrong with this?”

“It’s too...busy.”

“There’s one little logo on it.”

“Yes. It’s fussy. I don’t like it, and it’s too cheery.”

“It’s dark blue.”

He grimaced. “Black or gray only. Not white. White gets stained.”

“The blood of your enemies doesn’t wash out well?”

“No. Then Sutton gets all pissy about it.”

“You’re impossible.”


She piled her arms full of clothes he only seemed to dislike rather than loathe, then shooed him into a fitting room.

“I’m not trying this shit on.”

“Yes, you are.”

“I’ll just buy it, and if it doesn’t fit I’ll give it to Sutton to get rid of.”

“Quit being a weirdo and try on some clothes.”

The tension in his body increased dramatically. He didn’t like this idea, apparently, or he didn’t like her getting bossy.

“Come on, just the jeans?” she asked, holding up three pairs. “Whichever ones fit best we’ll buy a bunch of, and you won’t have to come back for a while.”

He glowered at her, and she was pretty sure if he’d been able to breathe fire out of his nostrils she’d have been incinerated.

“Just try on these three pairs of jeans and we can go look for the next thing.”