He could fuck her facedown like this. If she wasn’t touching him and wasn’t looking at him, he could see himself succumbing to the temptation. Teenagers fucked all the time. It couldn’t be that hard to figure out. She knew he was inexperienced and likely wouldn’t expect much.

“Mister Leduc!” she finally sobbed. “I can’t take anymore. Please stop!”

“What if I don’t want to stop?” he asked, wondering what she’d do.

“Please,” she begged. “My poor ass! Wouldn’t you rather fuck my mouth than beat me?”

The girl had a point.


“I can’t unbutton your jeans with my hands tied like this, so you’ll have to help.” She gazed back at him. “May I kneel on the floor, Mister Leduc?”

“You may.”

She slid down into a kneeling position, then hissed and jerked slightly away from her heels as they met the bright red skin of her ass. “Your hand is evil. It’s like being spanked with a paddle covered in sandpaper.”

“And yet you didn’t use your safeword.”

“Safeword a spanking? Never.”

He arched a brow.

“That wasn’t meant as a challenge, Mister Leduc.” She smiled wryly. “Are you sure you haven’t done this before?”

Why would he lie about something so humiliating? “I’m sure.”

She ducked her head. “I wouldn’t usually be directive with a dominant, but do you want me to tell you what to do to start off with?”

“Yes.” He put his hand out and touched her hair, needing to remind himself this was really happening. She was so beautiful, and she was being so understanding. The few times he’d let himself think about what this would be like, it had included various terrible scenarios where the woman would mock him.

She looked more aroused than amused, her half-lidded dark eyes making him wonder how long he’d be able to hold out. He was already so painfully hard.

“If you want to unbutton your jeans and sit on the edge of the bed,” she said, her voice quiet and husky, “it’ll be easier for me. If you stand I’d have to kneel on something just to reach you, I think.”

Sitting sounded like a good idea. His knees felt like water. He unbuttoned his jeans, then sat on the bed, not sure what to do next and feeling like an idiot.

“Please pull your cock out for me, Mister Leduc?”

“Please?” he repeated, his brain scrambling at the thought that she wanted to do this enough to ask politely rather than just allowing it

to happen.

Her lips curved into a sexy invitation. “Yes. Please.”

Before he could panic and bolt, he complied. His hands were shaking as he drew his cock out from where it was bent uncomfortably sideways in his jeans. This had to be hilarious to her. Feigning macho indifference was difficult to do when his dick didn’t know how to play it cool.

Her eyes widened. “Wow.”

Wow? What did that mean? “What?”

She blinked at his shaft, then up at him. “I’ll do my best but that thing’s – intimidating.”

“The piercings?”

“The piercings. The size. The man it’s attached to.” Her cheeks stained pink as though she hadn’t meant to say all of that aloud. She moved closer. “If you want to grab my hair so you can control what I do, that’s pretty standard for people like us.”

He wanted to say something rude about the ‘people like us’ comment, but as soon as his hand tangled in her hair she gasped, and he lost the ability to think coherently. He shuddered and dragged her mouth down to his dick. Before she did anything, his cock twitched in anticipation, thumping against her face.