“You didn’t find a wedding overwhelming?” she asked, as though he wasn’t tying the final knots, making her more helpless. Because of their size disparity he could control her easily without resorting to binding her, but this would remind her to keep her hands to herself.

“They held it here at the house. Other than Sutton and Rodrigo, only Ilse’s parents came.”

“Small wedding.”

“That was for me.” He shrugged, even though she wasn’t looking at him. “I make everything complicated.”

She sighed sadly. “Why do complicated men turn me on?”

Teasing again.

He snorted then swatted her ass, surprising the hell out of himself. She yelped and went up on her toes.

“Careful! I have bruises on my welts on my bruises!”

“I didn’t hit you that hard.”

“My poor ass will never be the same. Go ahead and look at what you did.”

His hands hovered near the waistband of her yoga pants.

“Are you using your x-ray vision back there? You’re going to have to pull my pants down to see.” She glanced over her shoulder at him. “It’s not like you haven’t seen most of my ass before, Mister Leduc. I saw you looking when we were at the lake.”

That wasn’t the issue. It was undressing her that was the issue. It felt too intimate.

“Don’t you want to see the marks you left?”

Yes. Yes he did.

Carefully, he tugged the back of her pants down, loving the way she gasped as he revealed inch by inch of naked, blaze-red flesh. He longed to bite her there. Why he get such perverted urges around her? Her ass was covered in red welts and a multitude of purple bruises was already forming.

“Your ass is even hotter with my marks on it.” He especially liked the faint handprint on the right side.

“Hotter? I’m pretty sure you could light a candle from it right now.”

Tentatively, he brushed his fingers over a particularly vicious welt and he shuddered at the same time she did.

“You like being touched, Miss Korsgaard?”

“Yes. You’re the only person I know who doesn’t. It’s an interesting dilemma.”


“It’s hard to seduce a man who doesn’t want you to touch him.”

“You want to seduce me?”

“I probably shouldn’t have said so. Honesty isn’t very seductive.”

He needed honest. If she’d been coy about it, he probably wouldn’t have caught on. “Why would you want to?”

She chuckled. “Because your brain turns me on. The rest of you ain’t half bad either.”

He swatted her ass again, right on top of a bruise, and her moan made his cock twitch. The feel of her bare bottom in the palm of his hand was too good, and he squeezed her there, now completely understanding why Church was constantly groping Ilse when the kids weren’t looking. The next time he smacked her, she teetered, and he led her over to his bed and bent her over it.

“Mister Leduc! What are you doing?” she asked, feigning innocence with the believability of a porn star.

“Whatever I want, apparently.” He spanked her for a few minutes, finding it easier to control himself without the belt in his hand. Her squeaks and sighs were erotic rather than panicked, but when he’d worked out a good tempo, she started making sounds of real distress. The kind that made him rock hard. It didn’t help that he kept getting glimpses of her pussy, which looked slick and ready for him, not that he dared touch her so intimately.