He tried to go around her, but she moved to block his path.

“Where are you going, Mister Leduc?”

“To work in the garage for a while.”

“Why don’t you let me take the edge off for you?”

His mouth went dry. “What?”

She bit her lip. “When was the last time someone went down on you?”

“I’m not sure.” His voice was hoarse.

“It’s been a while?”

“More than.”

“Like...never?” She wasn’t laughing at him, she just looked curious. Maybe interested.


“And sex?”


Her mouth opened in surprise. “Wow,” she said, finally.

“Like I said, I don’t like being touched.”

She sighed. “Do you really want to go through your l

ife without finding out what it’s like? Aren’t you curious?”

Curious was a polite word for it.

“If you were in control of it, you’d be touching me, not the other way around. I could keep my hands behind my back.”

Imagining her mouth wrapped around his cock was almost good enough to get him off. He wanted to, but why would she even offer this? Didn’t women hate doing it unless they were faking it for porn?

“I don’t know,” he muttered. “Why would you want to do that?”

“Because you’re hot and you’ve got me all worked up.” Her mouth twisted into a self-deprecating grin. “There isn’t much you couldn’t convince me to do right now.”

His mind strayed deeper into his list of perversions, but he reined himself in.

Could he really turn this down without even trying it? He’d never gotten to know a woman well enough to get this far before. He got offers when he went into town sometimes, or to the parties at Rodrigo’s, but letting a stranger touch him wasn’t going to happen. The girl seemed to understand his limitations. She didn’t seem to judge him.

It would be so much easier to walk out of the room and not push himself so far out of his comfort zone. He’d avoided sexual contact this long – did he honestly need it?

“Do you have a rope or something to tie my hands with? Maybe that will make you feel more comfortable.”

Maybe he’d tie her hands and see how that felt. He could still back out.

He went to his closet and scanned the sparse contents, settling on the necktie he’d worn for Church’s wedding.

“A tie? You own a tie?” She was teasing again, and he had to remind himself that it was just her way, not a serious desire to mock him. “In case of formal blacksmithing emergencies?”

“Church’s wedding,” he forced out. He went behind her and bound her slender wrists together, trying to touch her as little as possible. The simple act of tying her made his balls ache.