“Nate, did you hear that?” Jimmy asked, tossing a ball of paper at him and hitting his shoulder.

“Huh? Sorry. I missed it.”

“Poker game or woman?” Atlas asked, smiling crookedly.

“Oh, his ex blew back into town, and he’s been all twisted up for a week because he left the ball in her court and she hasn’t called back.”

“Damn. Did you fuck her?”

Nate glowered at them both.

Atlas tsked, looking amused. “Man, I told you, don’t take the kink all the way to ten the first time. It freaks them out.”

“Fuck you, Atlas.”

The monster of a man cocked his head to the side and grinned. “Hmm…I’d have to ask Mila first. We’ve been exclusive up until now, but for you...”

“Two dominants hooking up? Isn’t that usually a problem? Wouldn’t there be a fight?”

“I could take him,” Nate and Atlas said simultaneously.

Jimmy barked a laugh and shook his head, then chewed thoughtfully on his habitual toothpick. “Besides, what ever happened to wooing a woman – you know? Flowers, soft music, wine. Jewelry?”

Nate grimaced. “Fuck jewelry. I bought her a ring when we were fresh out of high school. She left me before I could pay it off. I’m just glad I didn’t propose, considering she’s ghosted me twice.”

“Ouch,” Atlas said, clapping a hand on Nate’s shoulder. “Maybe she’s into the sex, but not into you? Or she likes you but she’s pretty vanilla? Maybe she had sub drop.”


Things had been awesome – or so he’d thought. They’d hung out in bed, talking and laughing. She’d been quiet when he kissed her goodbye in the parking lot, but he’d thought it was exhaustion. Maybe she regretted what they’d done?

He’d texted her and left a voicemail message, but that’s as far as he’d let himself go, even though he really wanted to show up at her mom’s house and make a romantic ass of himself.

In the morning he’d been so happy and tired that maybe he’d missed something important.

Or maybe she realized she didn’t want to be owned by a blue collar dominant.

Nate let Atlas and Jimmy sort out the rest of the SUV details and got back to work on the bike he was redesigning. He wished he could do badass, Mad Max-ish motorcycles like the one Loke had commissioned by that crazy French blacksmith, Severin Leduc, but he’d settle for catering to customers with slicker tastes. Hell, he could use some of Leduc’s money or fame right about now, but Nate’s work either wasn’t as good, or he just hadn’t had the same luck.

“Why don’t you go talk to her?” Atlas said, strolling into the actual garage a few minutes later. “You didn’t get answers last time. You deserve them this time.”

Nate picked up a wrench, wishing he could beat the piss out of the bike instead of making it long and sleek.

“I’m pretty sure it’s the money. I’m not exactly a catch.”

“You’re a talented artist, Nate, and you make a decent living at it. Maybe you don’t have a mansion yet, but no one actually needs one. And to be honest, if she’s that shallow, she doesn’t deserve you.”

It was one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to him. He didn’t think of what he did as art, but he supposed it was to some people.

“Thanks, man,” he finally acknowledged, feeling awkward.

“Awww… Like a fucking Hallmark card,” Jimmy said, feigning a sniffle.

Atlas snorted. “Toxic masculinity is destroying men’s relationships, Jimbo. Read some Buzzfeed.”

Nate flipped Jimmy off and got back to work.

Was Riley shallow? Hell no. She’d been, and still was, one of the best people he knew. She wasn’t petty. But if the problem wasn’t the kink this time, and it wasn’t the money, what was it?