He crooned things to her, about what a good girl she was and how pretty and sweet, and about how he was going to take care of her. The words were a foreign mixture of vocalizations that were more feeling than meaning in her mind, but she felt his care, believed it. Gorged on it.

Pressure, fullness, as fingers slid into her, a hot mouth on her clit, teasing, gentle suction. Her back arched, every muscle tight and locked. She shrieked as her body spasmed around his fingers, pussy pulsing against his sucking mouth and wicked tongue, her whole body responding to him for what should have been a moment but went on until she thought she’d died. As the terrifying orgasm eased, he forced another on her, then a third, until she was limp and sweaty and begging him to stop.

Slowly, he worked at knots, lowering her to the bed and freeing her from his web. Body languid, nerves buzzing, her muscles refused to obey her. She was pretty sure she had drool on her face but she couldn’t lift her arm to wipe it away – couldn’t even open her eyes all the way. Her ears rang, but she knew he was talking to her, petting her, telling her what a good job she’d done for him.

When he pulled the clamps from her nipples, he kissed and sucked her abused flesh better, as he ran his hands over the welts he’d left. He massaged her arms and legs to help her circulation return to normal, then stretched out beside her, pulling her into his arms, stroking her hair back from her sweaty face and kissing her lips. His mouth moved gently on hers even though she could feel his erection, hot and insistent, against her hip.

Her muscles were still sore from coming, as if she’d worked out too hard after spending a year as a dedicated couch potato. Even so, she found herself nuzzling into him, moving against him with the need to feel him thrusting inside her.

“More?” He chuckled, the rumble of his chest under her ear so familiar, yet deeper.

In answer, she gathered her remaining energy and let her fingers roam over the defined and delicious muscle he’d packed on since she’d seen him last. His body twitched and shifted under her investigative touches, and when she latched onto his nipple with her mouth he shuddered.

“Riley, you need to behave.”

“Uh unh.” She crawled on top of him, feeling a lot less tired than she had moments before. Sex was always the best motivation to stop being lazy.

“Naughty girl. Are you supposed to be helping yourself to me without asking?” he said, sounding amused rather than annoyed.

She stretched out until they were touching at almost every point, then rubbed her groin against the bulge in his jeans.

He groaned. “You don’t owe me this.”

“Fuck owing you. I want cock.”

“Are you still my little slut, Leelee? And here I thought you’d forgotten.”

Heat flooded her cheeks and crept down her neck. He was so sweet to her most of the time, but he’d always talked dirty when he got turned on.

“It’s hard not to be a slut for this,” she said, reaching between them to unzip his jeans. He helped her push them down his thighs and off, leaving him in boxer briefs that showed off his muscular legs and narrow hips, and of course his raging erection. The fabric against the head of his cock was a damp, deeper black, and she traced a nail over it.

“Fuck,” he grunted.

Impatiently, she peeled his underwear down, eager to get her mouth on him. She shifted lower and licked the head of his cock, then sucked him into her mouth. A bead of precome greeted her, and she attacked him with more need and enthusiasm than she’d given any blowjob before, his pained groans and growls encouraging her.

In moments he’d grabbed her hair and pulled her away. His chest rose and fell, frantic and erratic, as he struggled to calm himself.

“Stop, woman.” He closed his eyes as if he couldn’t chance looking at her. The muscles in his legs flexed as his cock strained to find her mouth. She flicked her tongue along his shaft – which was all she could reach with his death grip on her hair. “Ever have anal without lube?” he growled. “Because you’re about to.”

She bit her lip and glanced up to the hot guy glowering in her direction.

“Noo,” she pled. “I’m sorry. I’ll be good.”

“Bad girls don’t learn good habits without the right kind of reinforcement.” He grabbed her by the waist and put her face down on the mattress.

Nerves fluttered in her stomach, and her asshole clenched in unhappy anticipation. He pushed her legs apart.

“No, please.” Her pussy ached with need, clenching on nothing through the prolonged rippling aftermath of her orgasms.

“You expect to do what you want then apologize later with no repercussions?”

“Please! I’ll never disobey you again.”



“Promise me.”