Wow. She never would have guessed that, looking at him. He had to have his pick of women, and most guys bitched abo

ut condoms like crazy. It made her feel sort of warm and fuzzy.

“Same for you? You’re on the pill, too?” she asked, teasing, glad to break the seriousness of the moment with some levity. “I thought that was still in the experimental stages.”

He snorted. “Not just a submissive, but a brat.”

“The brattiest.”

“We’ll see about that. So you don’t want condoms?”

“No,” she said, aiming for nonchalance even though heat was pooling in her belly and between her thighs at the thought of taking him bareback. “But hey, things might not even go that far.”

“You never could resist me, Leelee. What makes you think that’s changed?”

“Such a dick.” She sighed.

“You always did like my dick.”

She snorted but didn’t deny it. His dick was the one she’d mentally measured all others against once she’d been able to bring herself to date anyone else.

An awkward silence fell between them where they stood frozen, staring at each other. It had nothing to do with innuendo and comebacks, and everything to do with the complete mindfuck of this moment. At least for her.

For once, she was in the same room as Nathan and had no clue what he was thinking.

“So, you live here?” she asked, hoping to get things back to normal and slow her racing heart.

“I live here.”

“And you work here?”

“Yes, as part of my rent. I also work full time at an auto shop. I’ll be opening my own next year.” His expression grew somehow…colder.

“Wow! Good for you.”

He arched a brow.

Oh. Sore spot? What was that about?

A shiver slid through her stomach as his expression went focused and far more serious.

Somehow he’d slid into Domspace and she hadn’t even seen it coming. He was usually so pleasant and funny – easy going. It was why she’d never thought he’d be dominant. He’d been through a lot, but he’d always seemed to rise above it, as though it hadn’t touched him. Maybe there’d always been a darkness in him she hadn’t noticed.

He moved to her then, dragging the t-shirt he’d dressed her in back off of her. She’d worn pretty underwear in case she found a play partner for the evening, but if she’d known… She would have thought things through better. She would have made more of an effort.

“So beautiful,” he murmured, more to himself than to her. “How did I ever let you go?” His huge, rough hands circled her waist then slid up toward her breasts, making her whimper before he’d even done anything. The very idea that Nathan was touching her felt dangerous.

Older, he was even more irresistible.

His hand settled gently around her throat and his mouth hovered over hers. “What do you like, pretty girl?”

Right then the only thing she really wanted was for him to kiss her. She arched up and flicked her tongue lightly from his bottom to top lip, then pulled back.

His breath left him in a rush. Tightening the grip on her neck, he backed her, stumbling, until she met a wall. She could feel the tremor in his body through his hold on her just as his mouth smashed down on her own. He kissed her, a violent meeting of lips and teeth, like he wouldn’t be satisfied until he consumed her.

He forced his thigh between hers, pressing up hard between her legs. He bit his way down her neck, pulling her hair, grabbing handfuls of her body – her ass, tits, digging his fingers in like he couldn’t get close enough. She whimpered into his mouth and he froze and pulled back, panting.

“Fuck. I don’t lose control like this.” He rested his forehead against hers, breathing hard.