He nodded. “Told you.”

“Why the massive confidentiality agreement?” They’d had to sign a stack of documents before entering the BDSM club-slash-hotel, and the man who’d presented it to them seemed determined they actually read through every page.

Jack nodded discreetly toward a couple in the left corner.

Riley squinted in that direction. Was that…? Holy shit. She recognized the man from a blockbuster action movie that had just released but she couldn’t remember his name.

Her friend nudged her. “Don’t stare.”

Pulling her gaze away, she answered, “Right.”

“The club is always full of the rich and famous. But really, they put on their leather harnesses one buckle at a time, just like everyone else.”

She snorted, doing her best not to look around for more familiar celeb faces. “So, where to?”

Jack’s gaze swept the space. “Doesn’t matter. I’m looking for someone.”

This time, she nudged him. “Quit stalking your ex.”

“I’m not!” His mouth opened in outrage and his eyes widened in mock surprise.

She merely arched a brow.

Jack sighed. “You know me too well. Come on. Let’s find you someone to play with first.”

Riley was no stranger to the club scene but she usually had trouble finding someone she had a good sense about who could also get her where she yearned to go. Subspace.

Her intuition rarely led her to weirdoes, which was good, but she almost never reached subspace and its hazy blissful after-glow. Lately, she’d been craving it desperately. Insomnia had been plaguing her. Before she resorted to sleeping pills, she wanted to try a good hard play session. Even if someone topped her well, and gave her the pain she desired, maybe she could drift off tonight.

Jack was already weaving through the space, heading toward a darker alcove. She rushed to catch up, trying not to gawk at the various scenes that played out. She knew better, but it’d been a while since she’d watched porn or even masturbated so everything felt new and sexy.

He stopped near the bar, where a sign indicated the limit was one drink per customer. When he turned to her, he said, “Stand here and look cute.” His gaze raked her then he gave a frustrated sigh. “Girl, I know you’re in a rut but you need to check the mirror once in a while.” He pinched her cheeks, fluffed her hair then tugged her top down slightly to reveal her ample cleavage.

“Hey!” She shooed his hands away. “It took me twenty whole minutes to pick this outfit out!”

“I can tell.”

She was about to tell him off but his gaze jerked suddenly to something behind her and she spun to see who it was.


He locked gazes with Jack. Her friend practically melted on the spot. With a smirk, Adam crooked a finger at him.

Chuckling, she told him, “You need to stop kidding yourself. You’re obviously still together.”

“I’ll be right back, I swear,” he replied, eyes never leaving Adam.

“Sure you will.”

Jack stumbled his way to Adam – the man was sex on a stick and she couldn’t blame Jack for following him around like a puppy.

She turned her back to the bar and sighed. Alone again.

At least the view was hot. In front of her, a shirtless man with a sinfully cut body reeled in a piece of rope, recoiling it. A girl kissed his cheek and gazed up at him with longing, but wandered off with her friends.

Solid muscle and tanned skin. Nice. Her gaze dipped down. Sexy ass in a pair of low-hanging jeans. She felt a little guilty so shamelessly ogling him but really…if he was here, and shirtless, he couldn’t possibly be shy.

There was something oddly familiar about him though. The smooth way he moved. His stance. That ass. His dark hair was short and thick. She leaned a bit to see his profile but the way he was turned, she’d need to topple over to catch a look.