So brave, in the dark. So stupid to think it would stop him from finding her.

“You’re bratty for a girl who can’t see her dominant’s expression.”

“It’s easier to be bratty when I can’t see you.”

“So my face scares you?”

“Your face scares everybody. Are you glaring at me really ferociously right now?” Her voice hitched on the word ferocious.

He narrowed his eyes, scanning the unrelenting blackness. She was moving.

“You think this is funny, but when I catch you, you’re going to be a very...very sorry little girl.”

He could hear her unsteady breaths nearer now, even though he’d stopped moving to listen. She could hear where he was and was approaching anyway.

“How sorry?” she asked from right behind him.

He whirled and grabbed for her, but she fled to what sounded like the far side of the hall again, giggling quietly.

“I’m going to catch you sooner or later, my little bitch, so why don’t you come kiss my boots and ask for leniency?”

“Why don’t you make me?”

Aroused aggression spiked harder through him and he strode across the room, feeling where she was even in the dark.

Her whispered, “Oh my god, oh my god,” was beautiful in his ears.

“For that,” he growled, “you’d better hope there’s still lube in your ass from when I plugged you this morning, because that’s all you’re going to get.”

“Dry? My first time?” she blurted. “You can’t!”

“Are you going to cry when I shove my cock in your tight little virgin hole? Are you going to beg me to stop?”

“Cry? What kind of monster would enjoy making his poor submissive cry?” she said, her voice faint, but she was close. She just couldn’t stop running her mouth.

“The monster you chose.” He lunged, capturing a handful of her silken hair. She gasped and lashed out. Blows landed harmlessly on his shoulders and chest, but he used his grip on lovely hair to force her slowly to the floor.

“No, no. I’m sorry! Please, Master. I shouldn’t have said what I did. It was the adrenaline talking.”

When he had her down, he forced her head to the floor then stepped on her hair to keep her where he wanted her before pulling her ass up. The sound of his belt coming off made her whine.

“But you can’t see!”

“No, but I can feel. I’d suggest you stay very still.”

Roughly, he groped her ass, then choked up on his belt and started to lay into her. After each yelp of pain, he’d landmark with his free hand, seeking out the hot welt, then give her another.

When she was writhing and sweating, he shifted his foot off her hair and grabbed the bondage tape from his pocket while keeping a hand on her back. She tried to rise to scramble away, but he caught her around the waist and pulled her over his lap, spanking her already burning-to-the-touch ass.

“Are you done?” he growled.

“Never!” She fought like a little hell cat, scratching and biting, and basically just going out of her way to wriggle all over his throbbing dick and make him eager to master her yet again. She loved to fight him, and he loved to force her to submit to his control.

He shoved her off his lap to the floor. As she struggled to break his hold, he jerked the bondage tape out of his pocket and secured her wrist to ankle on each side, leaving her ass exposed and vulnerable.

“You’re going to fight while I fuck your ass? Good. It’ll hurt more.”

“No please, Mister Leduc! Don’t!”