She leaned over his shoulder, brushing her mouth across his cheek to his lips. He kissed her even though she was upside down, and the slide of her mouth on his, her tongue in his mouth from this position was strangely erotic. He slid his hands into her hair, controlling the kiss, and didn’t let her go again until she was moaning into his mouth.

“Quit distracting me,” she accused.

“Quit letting yourself be distracted.” He reached back and palmed her breasts, loving the feel of the mounds in his hands.

“Stop that!” she backed away and he lurched out of the chair, advancing on her as she shook her head and kept retreating, a gleam of mischief in her eyes.

“Don’t run. You know what happens when you run.”

Her breaths went shallow, and he could see her pulse fluttering in her neck. “I know what happens. You chase me. It scares me, but it gives me a major girl boner.”

He charged and she squeaked, then turned and fled, her bare feet silent on the floor. The dogs lifted their heads as he blew past them, but they were too tired from their earlier walk to bother following.

This was more his element than gentleness and massages. Stalking the girl was his nature.

He chased her through the house, down the main floor corridor, up a side staircase, down an upper hall, then down the main staircase. Her breathing almost drowned out his. He wasn’t winded, but the excitement of the chase flooded his body with adrenaline while her terrified shrieks had his cock throbbing. He let his booted footfalls sound heavily against the stone and wood flooring, and to toy with her he lunged and grunted, touching but not grabbing, but only because he wasn’t ready for the game to end. When he caught her he was going to hurt her. Claim her. Fill every fucking hole with come.

“I’m going to catch you, Minnow.

She whimpered and dodged.

He caught at her arm and let her slip through his grip, tits bouncing as she bolted away.

“Fuck...I’m going to catch you and shove my dick in your ass,” he reminded her, following her hasty retreat.


He lunged and grabbed her hair, then pressed her against a wall, grinding against her ass. “Caught you, you little cunt, and here I was hoping you’d get away.”

“Let me go!”

“I’m going to hurt you so bad.”

“Oh fuck! Stop saying that!” She squealed, ducking out from under his arm to run again as soon as he let go of her hair.

“Are you going to cry for me?” he called after her. “You’re so pretty when you cry.”

As he rounded the corner downstairs, she disappeared. He skidded to a halt, his boots sliding in the silent hallway before he came to a full stop. Listening past the sound of his rapid heartbeat, he thought he heard something from the direction of the ballroom.

Quietly, he went to his study, which was almost directly across from the room she was hiding in. Out of his bottom drawer, he grabbed a few things and shoved them in the pockets of his jeans. He approached the double doors to the ballroom, grabbing one of the burnished brass handles and yanking the door wide. He strolled in, waiting for it to shut behind him. The room was darker than a blindfold.

“In the ballroom?” he whispered into the darkness. “Rodrigo never should have filled your head with romantic nonsense.” He could hear her hectic breathing, but it echoed, and he wasn’t completely sure what direction she was in. “Did you lure me in here hoping I’d transform into a prince, Miss Korsgaard?”

“If you did, it would ruin my fairytale, Mister Leduc,” she admitted, voice shaking. Off to his left? He moved that way, hoping she would say something else. “It was the beast I fell in love with. The prince would bore the fuck out of me.”

He could swear he was very close to where her voice had come from, but when he reached out, he touched nothing.

“You won’t get romantic moments in ballrooms with me. You’ll get taken down and fucked in the ass like a little whore.”

“Only if you can catch me, Leduc,” she mocked quietly.

Her words drew a snarl of aggression from his lips. She knew what challenging him made him do, and yet she persisted in doing it.

“You like baiting me.”

“Smart boy”.