Instead, she posted her own pictures – of the tree they’d decorated and the turkey they’d made and the pile of gifts. None of the people just yet. Not this year.

A few minutes later, Ilse posted pics of the girls opening presents. She also posted pictures of Minnow and Severin, announcing their engagement and tagging Minnow in them. Ilse gave no fucks. Minnow burst out laughing at the picture of Severin and Church grimacing at each other, wearing the matching sweaters Ilse had ordered for them for Christmas. Ilse sent her a private message saying she’d hoped it was all right. They chatted back and forth for a while before they went to catch their flight.

About one in the morning Minnow finally heard Severin in his shower, and he came to her room dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, his hair still damp and his feet bare.

“You’re still awake.” His voice was slightly slurred, and even lower and sexier than usual.

She wrinkled her nose at him, smelling the alcohol before he even got to the bed. “I was waiting for you.”

He gazed at her intently, most likely wanting something but stopping himself either because of the booze.

“The boys behaved tonight?”

“They whined at the door for you a few times, but they were more interested in finding the Goldfish crackers the girls dropped everywhere.”

He snorted. “Well, I’m in now. Go to sleep.” He added wood to the fire in the fireplace then slouched into one of the chairs before it.

She slipped out of bed and padded over to him, her bare feet soundless on the bitingly cold flagstone. She knelt on the rug at his feet and pressed her cheek against his knee. His hand stroked her hair, then threaded through it, tightening until it hurt deliciously.

“I have a hard time sleeping when you’re not with me.”

He traced his fingers over her cheekbones and along her jaw, his expression rapt.

“I don’t even sleep in your bed.”


He ran a thumb under one of her eyes. “Why were you crying?”

She shrugged. “Facebook.”

“They came back to the States and no one told you?”

She nodded. “My sister, Pearl, is pregnant.” She smiled tremulously. “I guess I’ll ask Ilse what’s appropriate in terms of gift giving.”

“They didn’t tell you themselves. You don’t owe them a fucking thing. Not even a second fucking thought.”

“I thought I’d take the high road.”

“They blew up both fucking roads. You just forget those people. They don’t deserve you.”

His vehemence was adorable.

“You’re good with kids,” he said, rubbing her scalp the way she liked.

“Your nieces are great.” She grinned, thinking about how much fun it was to play silly games with them and teach them how to handle the dogs.

“You want kids?”

She shrugged. Talking to him about this when he was half in the bag was probably a bad idea.

He released her and rose, walking to her dresser. As he opened her top drawer, she frowned, getting the feeling she knew what he was after. Sure enough, he turned back to her with her latest pack of birth control. Checking up on her?

Rather than looking at what day she was on, he stalked to her bathroom door and threw the pack. She heard it hit the garbage.

“Done.” He fell back into his chair.

“But Mister Leduc –”