Severin opened his bottom drawer, taking out several lengths of rope. “We’re branding her tonight. I think we can probably hold off on the knife play for now.”

They worked quickly, tying, touching, sliding their hands over her bare skin, until she was whimpering with need and tied spread-eagle on the padded coffee table.

“Fuck, she’s so hot,” Rodrigo said, standing back to gaze down at Minnow’s completely immobilized body. Their vulnerable prey was trapped in their web of rough hemp. They were ready to devour her.

With her pierced nipples jutting up past the rope, her legs wide for them, and soft folds of her pussy slightly spread, her beauty was incomparable. Rodrigo moved to her head and freed her hair from where it was crushed beneath her, spreading the silken waves out to drape over the end of the table.

One of her hands opened in a futile attempt to reach for Severin. He squeezed it.

“What are we going to do with her? Skip right to the good part?”

“Which part do you consider the good part?” Severin smirked at him, loving the way the girl’s attention was going back and forth between them, doubtlessly wanting to know what they were planning for her, and yet knowing better than to voice her preferences in the midst of a conversation between dominants.

“True. They’re all good parts.” Rodrigo smirked back then pointedly let his gaze caress her trembling body.

Severin let go of her hand to stroke his fingers over her. “Oh, little Miss Korsgaard. You are in the worst possible situation. What are we going to do to you?”

In response to his quiet observation, she struggled. It was obvious she was completely at their mercy, but he supposed she’d be remiss in her submissive duties if she didn’t even check the rope work.

“It’s so abrasive!” she complained, going very still. In several places her skin was already abraded from her attempts to free herself. “What on earth did you tie me down with?”

“His personality, obviously,” Rodrigo replied.

“Fuck off, dickwad.”

“See? Case in point.” Rodrigo smiled mockingly at Severin before turning back to her. “Oh wait – he actually used rope. My bad. I think he chose this type just to be a bastard. Can’t say I’m surprised. He’s a bit of a bastard.”

“Of course.” Severin said, distracted by the way the rope held her breasts up and out for them. “When are her nipples safe to play with yet?”

“Gently? Now is fine. Nothing too rough.”

Fascinated, Severin brushed a finger over the already tightening nipple closest to him. Rodrigo focused on the other one. Slowly, they tortured her, pinching gently before toying between and over them. After only a few minutes she was gasping, her hips thrusting at the air as much as she could move in her bindings.

“Look what you did,” Severin accused.

“How is that my fault instead of yours? Besides, there’s no proof it’s turning her on. You might be imagining things.”

“One of us should check.”

“You check and I’ll keep her quiet. I wouldn’t want the neighbors to think anything weird was going on in here.”

Considering how far away the neighbors were, they were completely safe even if they gave the girl a megaphone to scream into.

Severin slipped his hand between her thighs, finding out how soaked she was before he even got to her pussy. As he slipped a finger into her slick heat, she clenched around it, as though she was already on the verge of orgasm. She shuddered, but her choked cry was muffled. When he looked up, Rodrigo had a hand clamped over her mouth.

“Shh, pretty girl. Let him find out just how ready you are,” Rodrigo murmured to her. She was looking up at Ro, gaze frantic, her hips straining to pump against Severin’s hand even though she couldn’t move enough to help get herself off.

Slowly, he stroked her hot core, feeling the telltale slip of the mess he’d left inside her earlier. He circled his thumb around her tiny clit, the bud of it hard and eager under his coarse touch. She screamed into Rodrigo’s hand then babbled something Severin couldn’t understand as he tormented the nub with gentle taps.

Her pleading sounds got louder, and her body stilled and tensed under Severin’s attentions, loving how well he’d gotten to know her body and what it responded to. Right before she could come, he stopped, withdrawing his fingers.

“Is she wet?” Rodrigo asked him, his voice thick with sarcasm. “She doesn’t seem very turned on.”

Severin held up his fingers as evidence of her arousal. “So messy.” He tsked. “She must be really into the idea of us using and marking her.”

Rodrigo lifted his hand off her mouth and she gasped in air, even though he hadn’t blocked her nose. Her skin flushed a dusky pink, and her nipples peaked, distended and stiff.

“That’s not all me!” she cried. “You had sex with me before Mr. Solis got here.”