God, she was perfect, trembling, with her hand pressed to her mouth in fear. He leered down at her, drinking in her quiet terror, just as he knew he would enjoy her pain in a moment. Self-disgust rose, but he pushed the feeling away. It was so difficult to accept the way this made him feel without letting himself become appalled by his own reactions. What kind of man became aroused by the sight of his woman afraid and in pain?



Maybe it wasn’t normal, but it was how they were wired, just like Minnow was wired to receive it from them. He had to force himself to remember there were two sides to the same page. Consenting adults, and all that.

“So are we doing this now, or do you think she needs to be in a more receptive mood first?” Severin asked.

Rodrigo laughed under his breath, more vibration in the air than sound. “Oh, I think she could use a distraction.”

“Are you kidding me?” Minnow glared at Severin. He considered swatting her on the ass a few times to teach her not to glare at him like that. “Nothing you could do will distract me from this!”

“I’m betting DP would distract her.”

“I haven’t even fucked her ass yet,” Severin admitted, “So yeah, I’d imagine that would go straight past distracting to distressing.”

“How have you resisted her ass?” Rodrigo asked, incredulous. “Because man, if you want to see how it’s done first, let me volunteer my services.”

“No, I’m saving that honor for myself. No need to rush into anything when I can terrorize her with her imminent buggery week after week.”

His partner in crime slapped him on the back, but rather than making him grit his teeth, he barely minded. “You are one sadistic fuck. You’re like the fucking poster child for self-denial. The perfect dominant sadist.”

“Don’t encourage him!” the girl grumbled. Just as she was about to sit up again, Severin planted a firm hand on her chest and pushed her back down.

“Did I tell

you to get up?” he asked quietly.

She blew out a quiet breath. “No. Sorry, Master.”

He gave her a quelling look. “Remember to behave or I’ll have to punish you. Don’t cross me when I’m in this kind of mood, little girl.”

“Punish me? How?” she asked, as if she couldn’t think of anything worse than getting branded.

“Fucking her ass while I watch would be an excellent punishment – especially if you’re rough.” Rodrigo’s jesting tone did nothing to hide that he was obviously hoping Severin would do just that. “Your sore little hole will make you forget all about having white hot metal pressed into your skin.”

She whimpered, looking at Severin as though he’d save her. He wasn’t at all interested in saving her right then. He was more interested in making her cry.

“If you behave, you won’t have to find out what your punishment would be.” He wasn’t about to tell her he had no actual punishment planned. One of these days he’d have to sit down at the computer, or pick Rodrigo’s brain, and come up with a list of sensible consequences. Coming up with punishments on the spot when his brain had migrated to his dick was too much to ask.

“Should we tie her down?” he asked Rodrigo. “I wouldn’t want her to squirm at the last minute and get hurt.”

Rodrigo sucked his teeth. “It would have to be tight bondage. Have you ever done that with her?”

“Not really. Usually I just hold her down. She’s not very big”

Her gaze flashed with heat. She liked being held down, and he’d recently realized she also loved that he was so much bigger and stronger than she was. For so long he’d tried to avoid unintentionally scaring people with his size, and now with this slip of a girl it had become a desirable attribute.

“Does she get claustrophobic easily?”

“Not that I’ve noticed. We can always keep a sharp knife close by.”

“Yeah,” Rodrigo was leering at her now.

“I think Mister Leduc meant you could keep a sharp knife close by to cut the ropes in case I panic, Mr. Solis.”

“Oh...right. I knew that.”