“Sure you did.”

Exhilaration pumped through her. He’d tapped into her adrenaline with the knife play, and she wasn’t ready to give that up yet.

She got up and went to him, then shoved his sexy chest.

His gaze darkened, and he went from horny Atlas to dangerous Atlas in the span of a heartbeat. “You might not like this game,” he warned.

“I already like this game,” she replied, smirking. “And I have a safeword. Maybe you should pick one.”

He arched a brow. “If I need things to stop I’ll just sit on you.”

“Choose a safeword please, sir. It’s just good practice.” She batted her eyelashes at him, just to be annoying.

He growled and that growl was completely delicious. “We’ll use the same safeword.”


“No screaming or your neighbors will call the cops.”

“The same goes for you, sir.”

Faster than she thought he could move, he grabbed her wrist and shoved her facedown over the edge of the bed. He had both wrists pinned in one hand and the other hand held down the back of her neck. His body covered hers. She squirmed just to turn him on, but didn’t try to get away.

“Now what are you going to do?” he whispered in her ear.

She was uncowed. “If you can figure out how to fuck me through those jeans I might have to admit defeat, sir. As it is, you’ve got nothing.”

He took his weight off her, still holding her wrists, and worked on opening his pants.

Jeez. He wasn’t even trying. She twisted her wrists and they popped free of his grip. When she scrambled away, he cursed, but rather than chase her as she danced backward away from him, he took off his jeans. His erection was enough to distract a girl, but she focused on watching his body language.

She feinted in one direction, but he grabbed her when she dodged the other way. Hold after hold, he grabbed her arms and wrists and she broke away from him. Damn—she had to start practicing hand to hand with him. For a computer guy, he was a lot better than she’d assumed. He backed her into a corner, but she ducked under his arm. She got two steps before he caught her around the waist and took her to the floor. She kneed him in the chest, rather than the groin, because she didn’t want to incapacitate him for the night, but it didn’t even slow him down. Fuck. Why did she have to fall for a guy this fucking big? He covered her with his body, and she managed to flip him onto his back right before he’d squashed her to the carpet.

“How’d you get so fucking good at this?” she panted. Her body was already slick with sweat.

He was on her again, and she was suddenly in a serious fight to keep him from taking control. “I have two older siblings. Now that I’m bigger than they are, they even gang up on me.” He grinned at her. The jerk wasn’t even winded. “We’re going to have to call a time-out to grab a condom.”

“You’re never going to get to that point, so I’m not worried about it.”

“You’d better agree to a pause or you’re getting it bareback.”

She smiled. “I’ve been tested several times since the last time I was with someone. You?”

“Me too.”

“I’m on the pill.”

They stared at each other for one long moment. His eyes narrowed.

“You realize you’re giving me extra incentive to be a bastard.”

“Do your worst.”

They struggled, wrestling, and she was proud of how many times she got him down and pinned him, but it was hard to win against a man who could bench-press her. He fought dirty too. She was covered in bite marks and she had to be careful not to get too close to his mouth, even though he’d already cheated twice by licking her between the legs when he had her briefly pinned. He stopped that after she tried to bite his dick.

Even with her ankles hooked together to protect herself, he managed to get a knee between hers, and slowly he forced her legs apart. He caught her arms after she smacked him accidentally in the nose, and he kept adjusting his methods of holding her down so her hold breaks had stopped working. His cock was prodding at her, and it was a test of her self-control not to welcome him into her body. She wanted to give up, but she didn’t want to lose.

She bucked under him, trying to stop him from being able to shove inside her, and she almost got it in the ass instead, but she twisted away before it happened. He was chuckling in his cocky, diabolical way, and the sound made her want to give in. She was so hot for him she could feel herself dripping on the floor. Wrestling matches shouldn’t leave wet spots, but the feel of his naked body against hers, and the knowledge that she was losing despite her best efforts was wildly arousing.