Atlas found the Tesla then folded the paperwork and shoved it in his pocket. After peering around to make sure no one was giving him suspicious looks, he group-texted to the team.

Change of plans. Luke, put on a suit.

He leafed through the rest of the paperwork, curious about what new stuff was being showcased. At the back of the folder, there was a list of volunteers and their assignments

. As a precaution, he grabbed a pen off the table and scribbled his fake name at the bottom. He also took note of who was controlling the check-out process.

Ben Brooks. Same last name as Mike. Brothers?

Either way, it was good news for Atlas. It felt like forever waiting for Jessica to come back from break. He was anxious to move on to the next part of the plan, especially now that the job had gotten riskier.

He smiled when he saw her finally approach. “All safe and secure.”

“No car thieves tried to steal the safe or anything?” She smirked.

Not a bad idea if it wasn’t so big.

“Nope. Not a single unscrupulous person walked by.”

Chuckling, she ducked under the canopy. “At a place like this, I’m shocked.”

They only had about another hour and a half before people would start collecting their cars. But chances were the employee who’d dropped it off hadn’t stuck around.

He rose from the chair. “I tend to scare off that sort.” Then he gestured to himself and added, “Even wearing neon yellow.”

She giggled. “Yeah. Not my color either.” Her cheeks turned pink and she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

“You?” He scoffed. “You could wear a burlap sack and be beautiful.”

Her face flamed red. Yeah, he was using his powers for evil. But he wasn’t sure he might need her cooperation later. She was cute but couldn’t hold a candle to Mila, with her long legs and smooth skin. The way she came for him, letting go of her inhibitions and screaming until her throat was raw.

Fuck, he missed her.

He shook the image free from his head. “Well, I better go,” he said then scanned the park. In a crowd like this, he could strip off his shirt and go back to being anonymous. “Mike wanted me to relieve the other workers.”

“Oh. Okay.” Her shoulders drooped, obviously disappointed he couldn’t hang out.

He gave her a wide smile. “Enjoy your day.” Then he winked and walked away.

Flirting was a bit devious but he had to think of a way to get this paperwork back in the file later, and it’d be a hell of a lot easier with her distracted.

Atlas lost himself in the crowd then took off his shirt, leaving on the gray undershirt he’d had underneath, then headed out of the park. As he walked, he texted the group.

Pick me up around the corner on Edgemere Road.

He slid between some hedges then past a fountain to the sidewalk before he spotted Fox’s car halfway down the street.

After he climbed in next to Luke, he told Fox in the driver’s seat, “Change of plans. Take me to the shop.” He spotted the clock on the dash. “Shit. And hurry.”

“What happened?” Luke demanded. “And why am I in a suit?”

Atlas was surprised he’d followed the order without question. “The keys are in a safe. Locked up. Only one key and the organizer, Mike, has it.”

“So?” Luke shrugged. “Just break the safe open.”

“Yeah. Because that wouldn’t be obvious, genius.” He rolled his eyes. “We don’t need them on the lookout for criminals.”

“Where’s the device I made you a few weeks ago?” Addison asked, turning toward him from the passenger seat.