“And there’s the mom,” Mila said. “Is anyone pressing charges?”

Sanchez watched the woman stalk toward her son. “I have a feeling he’ll be punished enough at home.”

They both chuckled. She walked away glad she wasn’t the one who had to deal with that paperwork. Or that mother.

Chapter 10

Atlas felt ridiculous in the neon yellow T-shirt. Never in a million years would he have chosen it for himself. But it was the color the volunteers for the car show at a public park outside of town were wearing.

Despite how ridiculous he felt, he confidently strode up the registration table where a twenty-something girl sat under the shade of a canopy. He smiled and glanced at her name tag. “Jessica?”

She looked up at him. “Yes?”

“Mike sent me to relieve you. He said there were coolers with water bottles for the volunteers behind the food tent.”

Her gaze slid to the name tag he’d made himself. Today he was Dave—a mechanic from Kingsmount Auto Shop.

“Awesome.” She smiled. “I’m dying out here in the heat.”

Yeah, he was sweating already. Thankfully there was an occasional breeze that helped, even if it did just blow the hot air around.

He chuckled then moved behind the table to take her spot. “Take your time. I just had a break so I’m good for a while.”

“Thanks.” She stood up from the plastic chair then stopped. “You don’t really have to do anything since all the cars are checked in already. I’m pretty much just guarding the paperwork.” She patted a stack of papers in a manila folder.

“Got it.” He sat down in her chair. “I’ll guard them with my life.” The safe with all of the car keys was tucked under the table at his feet. “Is there a key to the safe?”

She snorted. “Are you kidding? As if Mike would trust that with mere minions.”

Shit. He half smiled. “Right. I forgot how controlling he is.” He’d taken a guess then relaxed when her eyes brightened.

“I know, right?” She sobered then leaned in toward him. “Well, there is a car theft ring on the loose. Have you heard about that?”

He shook his head. “No, I haven’t.”

“Rumors have been circulating, but apparently the cops are closing in on them.”

“Interesting.” The cops were closing in on them, huh? He almost laughed. He knew one cop who was close all right. Good thing she didn’t seem eager to turn him in. Yet.

“So Mike’s got the only keys.” She sighed. “Anyway, all the cars are checked in so you don’t need it for anything.”


“I’ll be back in half an hour,” she said then turned and walked toward the food tent on the other side of the park.

Atlas tapped his fingers on the table while he waited for her to disappear behind the first row of cars. Once she was out of sight, he examined the safe. He hadn’t anticipated it’d be locked and that the volunteers wouldn’t have the key. This Mike guy was more cautious than the last show Atlas had scoped out. There was a chance he could break in to it but most safes took time to pick and it wasn’t exactly inconspicuous to do it right here with people milling about.


Without a key, or one of Addison’s devices, he wouldn’t be able to open it without attracting attention.

Time to improvise a plan B.

He shuffled through the pile of loose papers. It looked as if every owner had filled out a form with their information along with the make and model of the car. Stapled to that was a photocopy of their driver’s license.


He browsed the paperwork for the car he’d known the dealership downtown would bring to show off in hopes of drumming up business. It was a Tesla. If he could drive away with that, it’d be his lucky fucking day. Not having a fully calculated plan felt reckless but they were pretty good at improvising. If all else failed, they’d bail.