“There’s nothing unclassy about knowing what you like in bed,” he replied at normal volume.

Her eyes widened, and she shushed him, then stared fixedly at her plate.

“What? We’re alone in here.”

“Someone could walk in. Having Austin walk in on us earlier was enough exhibitionism for me for one day.”

He chuckled. “So exhibitionism isn’t one of your fetishes?”

“No!” She took a bite of pickle and it was hard not to hyper-focus on her mouth.

“I bet I could change your mind.”

She rolled her eyes, but didn’t deny it.

Once they started talking and got over the initial awkwardness, her mouth and the mind behind it only made her sexier.

“So, how’d you get into the computer business?” she asked him. Her tone was light and conversational but there was no doubt she was following the real line of questioning.

“It started as a hobby in high school then grew into something more.” That part was true at least. “My dad used to let me take apart old computers that didn’t work anymore. It gave me something to do instead of getting into trouble with the other boys in the neighborhood.”

“Your brother too?” she asked.

Atlas shrugged. “A bit. But he’s never been into computers as much as I have. He’s more of a manual labor kind of guy.”

“And you’re the brainiac?” She smirked. “You have a lot of muscles for a nerd.”

He arched a brow. “You weren’t complaining about my muscles when I was holding you down and—”

She kicked him under the table, cutting him off.

Laughing, he leaned in and teased, “Shy all of the sudden? You’ve played in public.”

“That was different. We were with kinky people. Not senior citizens just trying to eat their sandwiches.”

His laughter died down to a low chuckle as he watched her from across the table. She really was adorable all riled up and bossy. He wished he could put her over his knee for kicking him, but this wasn’t the time or the place.

“What kind of work is your brother in?” she asked innocently then nibbled at her sandwich.

“He works for me.” Two could play at this game. “How long have you been in marketing?”

Quickly, she set her sandwich down. Better think fast, little girl.

“Five years,” she answered. “I started as an intern out of college then moved up from there.”

“That was fast. From intern to boss in just a few years.” She couldn’t really think he was buying this.

She shrugged. “What can I say? I’m very driven when it comes to getting what I want.”

Was she talking about her job or him? Or him in shackles and behind bars?


“It’s weird I’ve never seen your brother or cousin at the shop,” she said. “Or do they work from home mostly?”

“And here I thought you weren’t stalking me.” Caught. What would the little rabbit do now?

“I pass by on my way to work and your car is always there. You can’t need a million people in the shop every day.”