Rushing her to scare her off had been the right thing to do, but he wanted her again.

In response to Addison’s statement, he only grunted and drank some of his beer. Chlorine from his swim stung at the claw marks on his back as he dried.

He’d been a bastard, considering how vanilla she was. The more he thought about it, the more he doubted he’d scared her off. The question was where she’d turn up next.

“Having a pet cop isn’t all bad,” Fox pointed out. “Keep her around for a while, show her how innocent we are . . .”

“But we’re not.”

Fox shrugged. “You better fucking hope she doesn’t find that out. Have her over a few times, and show her they were suspicious about us for nothing. She knows I was here last night, at least, so she’ll think the car thefts weren’t us.”

Addison saluted Atlas with her bottle of beer. “Yup. We’re just kinky, law-abiding citizens. Although I have to point out that your cop was seriously guilty of disturbing the peace around the time we were leaving.”

Atlas frowned at his sister-in-law, but she was unfazed, as usual. She thrived on disapproval.

“She really seems to enjoy anal,” Addison said innocently.

Nothing like sharing a house that didn’t have particularly good soundproofing.

“Oh, like you don’t?” Fox shot back as he turned the steaks on the barbecue.

“Me?” his wife asked, fluttering her lashes. “What kind of lady would I be if I answered that question? Besides, the only way you’ll ever get an honest answer from me about that is if you let me peg you.”

“Not happening.”

“A lot of guys enjoy having their prostate stimulated. Quit being such a baby.”

Fox grinned at her. “What did you just say? You want a spanking? It’s going to have to wait until after dinner.”

Addison gasped in feigned indignation. “I can’t believe the steak is more important than my bratty ass. Fuck. You can tell we’re married. Honeymoon’s over.”

“Thank god,” Atlas grumbled. “Maybe you’ll stop fucking on the kitchen counter.”

“He hasn’t done me on the counter since before the wedding,” Addison grumbled, then pelted some balled-up foil at Fox, who arched a brow at her. “So, what are you going to do about her, Atlas? She’s going to figure things out sooner or later.”

Fox piled a plate with foil-covered baked potatoes, then another with steak. “We’ve had a good run in Vegas,” he continued. “Maybe it’s time to get the fuck out of here. Go somewhere that isn’t so damned hot.”

His brother and sister-in-law had been toying with the idea for a while, but every time Fox brought it up, it pissed Atlas off. He didn’t want them to go. He also didn’t like their assumption he’d go with them, as though he was a child and didn’t have a life of his own.

He’d spent the past couple of years building up the computer business here. It wasn’t work that he could easily uproot and move to Washington or Cincinnati. He liked Vegas. They’d moved around so much while they were growing up he was starting to enjoy staying put and knowing where things were. He preferred to get his excitement from torturing pretty girls than from getting lost in new cities.

“If we do move, I doubt Luke will come with us. He and Ophelia have too much going on here to relocate. We’d be a man down,” Addison pointed out. “And leaving them behind? How’s it going to feel not having a relationship with the twins as they grow up?”

“And then there’s your family,” Fox agreed. “It would have to be somewhere relatively close, so we could visit a lot. Maybe we could keep the house here and just work somewhere else.”

“Maybe.” Addison cut into her steak. “Although if Atlas’s bloodhound keeps sniffing around we’ll be living in a place with bars on the windows.”

Yeah. He was in a “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” situation with Mila, but it was getting difficult to see her as an adversary. He could have maintained emotional distance if he’d only fucked her. Cuddling and talking the next morning had been a huge mistake. It was hard not to develop feelings for a woman who felt so right tucked against his chest. He loved to be inside her, but it was turning into more for him. She had a quit wit that made him laugh. She was kind, intelligent, and had a self-confidence he admired.

Most of her interest in him was probably an act for the job, and yet he was letting himself fall for it. Believing she liked him was a dangerous game that would probably land them all in jail.

“There’s a lot to figure out.” Fox chewed a mouthful of potato thoughtfully, as if it would answer all of their questions. “Keep your pet cop busy for a few weeks. We need time to come up with a plan.”

“Yes,” Addison agreed. “One that doesn’t involve me being someone’s bitch.”

“You’re my bitch.” Fox grinned at her in a way that made her blush. Hard to believe he could still embarrass her. “And you rarely complain about it.”

“I’m talking jail here. I don’t know anything about girl on girl,” Addison replied sweetly.