How could she not have done this before? It wasn’t as if she’d never had crazy sex before—it just hadn’t been as crazy as she’d thought, apparently. None of the guys she’d dated had ever tried it.

This time, when he pressed a finger against her anus, her traitorous body opened to let it in almost immediately. It wasn’t fair that her body wouldn’t obey her.

Deeper, deeper he pushed into her, toying when necessary, until she’d taken it all. She knew her mouth was hanging open, but the feeling was so intense she couldn’t seem to control what her face was doing. Pleasure leeched through her body, making her feel weak. A deep, heavy throb ached in her lower belly. He began to finger-fuck her, and soon she whimpered and squirmed against the pillow, wishing she could rub her clit against something more substantial. It was unreasonably hot that he was just going to use her ass rather than trying to fake romance. She shouldn’t like the idea any more than she should like the strange, mortifying sensation of his finger vibrating in her ass, or the discomfort of him adding a second finger.

“Look at what a good girl you are,” he said, as though taking fingers in the ass was a talent. She wanted to say something sarcastic, but being here with him like this was making that pleasant haze steal over her again—and she was impossibly aroused. “Do you like being a good girl for me, Mila?”

She only whimpered as both of his fingers moved within her. He was watching this process far too closely for her pride. There was kind of a pervy, achy pleasure that made her feel as though she was going to come or faint. As he moved his fingers, forcing her body to make room for his cock, she realized that if she could get something to press against her clit she was going to come so fucking hard.

“Are you ready?” he asked, his voice g


“No?” He’d know better than she would. Did she want him to stop now? If he did she’d be disappointed, but admitting that to him was too humiliating. What if he didn’t let her come? That would be mean, but hot. Oh god, Atlas was turning her into such a pervert.

“Too bad. You’re out of time.”

His fingers withdrew, and their absence made her feel empty and frustrated. Behind her, she could hear him tearing the condom wrapper. The lube’s cap snapped open again. The cool slickness of the added lube hitting her skin turned her on, but then so did lying draped over a pillow waiting to be used for a man’s pleasure. She still wanted to suck his dick, to tongue that cock piercing of his, but he seemed done with stalling and determined to take her ass now. The bed dipped under his weight, and his body lowered over hers, but only touched in a few places. Fear shot through her. What if this hurt like hell? What if he was just too big for this sort of thing?

The tip of his cock prodded at her asshole. Hopefully the ring in his piercing wouldn’t make this hurt worse.

He stroked a hand down her back, his thumb trailing the path of her spine, and her arousal made her impatient. Maybe she was a little afraid, but she wanted him to do it anyway. She arched back for him.

“You’re not supposed to like punishments, dirty girl,” he whispered in her ear. “Are you going to let me push my cock into this sexy ass of yours?”

She only whimpered. All of her concentration was on her ass, not on coming up with witty repartee.

“You’re ready to beg for this,” he growled. “I can feel you pressing back against me, trying to rush me. Do you like being my little slut?” His breath was hot against her ear, and between that and the vibration of his voice in her ear it felt as if her brain was going to seize up or orgasm or something.

“Fuck, yes,” she sobbed.

“Yes, what, Mila? Tell me what you want.”

“Please, fuck my ass.” She moaned impatiently as he poised against her, not moving, ramping up her arousal and anxiety.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

There was a long moment where he just stayed there, unmoving, and she wondered what the hell was going through his mind. Had he changed his mind about wanting to fuck her? Was he going to tell her this had been a bluff and he wasn’t really going to do it?

The tip of his cock was still pressed against her, but nothing was happening. Maybe he really was too big? He sure felt that way.

Then, as though it couldn’t help itself, her body started opening to him. As he pushed more insistently, there was some uncomfortable pressure that made her want to panic, but he made some soothing noises. Right. He knew what he was doing.

“This is the hardest part,” he murmured tightly. “Don’t worry, I’m being careful.”

She shifted, feeling that it would be easier if the angle was subtly different, and then pushed back against him. He slid deeper inside her, and goose bumps raced up her spine to her neck. His grunt of pleasure made her clit throb. The sensation was . . . odd. Her asshole burned and ached, feeling stretched too far, and yet her pussy was needy and empty. She whimpered, needing to come, but the discomfort scared her.

“Good girl,” he said, brushing her hair back from her face. “You’re such a little thing, but I think you can take all of me.”

She glanced back at him, and although his smile was just as cocky as it usually was, his blue eyes were flinty and the set of his jaw mean. Determined.

What the hell was she doing? She was letting the criminal she was supposed to be building a case against shove his cock in her ass. But being pinned under Atlas’s big body as he claimed her this way was crazily arousing.

A hand came down on her back to hold her still, his thumb pressing gently against her spine and his fingers wrapped around her waist. The size of his hands made her feel small and fragile. The size of his dick made her wonder if he were wrong—what if he damaged her?

But Atlas was stubborn. He rocked his hips, coaxing her ass into taking him, inch by unyielding inch, until she was completely and mind-bogglingly stuffed. When his hips met her bottom, he paused, breathing hard and swearing under his breath. Sweat slicked her skin and she trembled under him, trying to process the feel of having him so deep inside such a private part of her.

She’d never thought she’d let a man do this, let alone one she barely knew. Had never seen the attraction. Her ass ached, stretched painfully wide to accommodate him, and she wondered why she’d not only allowed this but wanted it. It was extremely unpleasant—downright humiliating—but submitting to the dominance of it made her whole body tremble with confused lust.