Marks strode toward her, smacking his gum. “This was the only row that wasn’t in view of the camera.” He stopped in front of her. “It’s like they know what they’re doing.”

“I want to see it anyway. We might be able to see them walking elsewhere in the garage. Also, check for prints on any other Lexus in the lot. They might have tried another one if they were given an order for a Lexus.”

“You think it’s a ‘them’?” Marks asked.

She nodded. “I don’t think one person could pull off this many heists alone.”

“I can’t believe there aren’t even footprints,” he continued. “Are they ninjas?”

“No.” She sighed and put her notebook in her bag. “Just professionals.” As she headed to her car, she yelled over her shoulder, “Let me know if you get DNA off that cigarette butt.”

Chapter 6

For the first time in a week Atlas’s mind was completely consumed by work. The hacker at the other end of the line fought valiantly to keep the information they were blackmailing Atlas’s client for, but she or he was losing ground.

“Fucker, we’ve got to go!” Fox called.

He knew his brother and Addison were waiting for him at the door, but he had this jerk on the run and there was no way he was giving up now.

“Yeah, give me a sec,” he called back for the fourth time.

“Come on. We’re losing night!”

Two more keystrokes . . .

“Shut up for a sec.”

“Quit playing with your little online friends and get your ass behind the wheel,” Fox barked. “We told them we’d have this order in tonight.”

Bingo. The client’s billing history and tax information was accessible to her again, and he slammed up a wall before the hacker could take it back. Energy pulsed through him, along with the elation that came with winning at something he was good at.

He got up and stretched, then grabbed the go bag Fox had thrown at his feet.

“Okay, I’m done.”

“About fucking time. Congrats, you’re an uncle. Our firstborn just started college.”

“Shut up and hand me the jacket.”

Addison tossed it to him, and he slipped it on. The stolen black uniform with red piping fit a little tight across the shoulders and was short in the sleeves. Fox’s didn’t fit him any better. His sister-in-law looked back and forth between them and snickered.

Of course she’d chosen to hit Crimson, the only club in town supposedly run by vampires. It wasn’t the vampire part that he disliked, just that the place had ridiculous uniforms for their valets.

“Those are like wiener skins,” she teased. “Appropriate.”

Fox grumbled. “You’re lucky I want to get this over with, or I’d spank you right here, brat.”

“Promises, promises,” Addison replied coyly, turning her back to Fox and rubbing against him like a cat in heat.

Atlas cleared his throat. “Honeymoon’s over, you two. Can you keep your pants on long enough to get this job done?”

“Luke’s driving us there.” Fox grinned. “You get shotgun and my brat and I will have a . . . private conversation in the backseat.”

Addison’s cheeks

turned pink as she looked up adoringly at her husband. “What are you going to do to me?” she asked, eyes bright.

Out of habit and self-preservation, Atlas tuned out the ensuing sexual banter. Every time they started up lately it reminded him of Mila. He’d cut her loose with the threat that he’d fuck that tight virgin ass of hers if she came around again, and apparently it had worked in scaring her off. That had been the point, but he was oddly disappointed.