For the first two blows, he didn’t do more than tap her, but soon he had her up on her toes and squeaking with every smack. His cock throbbed harder with every sound of dismay, goading him into hitting her slightly harder than he would have with a stranger who wanted to try things out. He gave her a hard one and she yelped loudly. Without thinking he grabbed a handful of ass right over where the red mark would be under her panties. He desperately wished he could yank them down.

Her throaty moan shot straight to his cock.

“You like this,” he said, talking quietly and close to her ear. She shivered from head to toe, then moaned again but didn’t answer.

Again he strapped her. Again. She managed to stay silent, but he wouldn’t put up with that for long. Three more strokes in quick succession, and she was whimpering. By the time he stopped, she was arched, trying to avoid the blows.

He crowded her, wanting nothing more than to grope her and make her come—to make her beg to come. But that would be too much, too soon.

“You okay?” he asked. His chest was heaving from the frustrated desire and excitement coursing through him.

Mila’s eyes were half-lidded and glassy, and she was squirming. She smelled like a girl who wanted to be fucked, and his dick ached to accommodate her. He needed to stop and calm the fuck down.

“I’m going to untie you and let you rest. That’s enough for now.” He unclipped the cuffs from the ceiling ring, but left the black leather cuffs on her small wrists. His little captive. Knowing he could string her up again by the cuffs anytime fed in to the dominant part of his brain. Then again, he could always just hold her where he wanted her. She was built strong—her body all sleek muscle under her curves—but he was a giant by comparison.

He led her to the bench not far behind them, and sat, then pulled her into his lap.

“I’m too big for lap sitting,” she protested, trying to get to her feet.

“Are you safewording aftercare, Mila?” he asked. “Look at me and look at you. Do you honestly think you’re going to squash me?”

“I’m not a small woman,” she muttered.


She shifted in his lap and winced, but no matter how hard her ass was throbbing, it was nowhere near as bad as how hard his cock was throbbing.

“What’s wrong, princess?” He knew very well what was wrong.

“It’s more uncomfortable than I thought it would be,” she admitted.

Although he wanted to offer to make it hurt more, he refrained from saying so out loud.

“You could lie belly down over my lap. I won’t even spank you right now.”

“And how would that help?”

The warmth from her pussy was going through the fabric of her shorts and his jeans, and felt like a brand on his thigh. If she was his, he’d be checking to see how wet she was.

“I’d rub it for you. I’m a gentleman.”

She snorted inelegantly. Their gazes locked for a long moment, but she looked away first. The way she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear seemed almost shy. Was all of this just a ploy to get him to tell her about the business, or was she also attracted to him? To kink?

Why was he even letting himself get sucked into this? Fucking Loke just had to meddle. For guys who had so much going on, all three of Fitte’s owners seemed to like playing matchmaker, not to mention therapist.

Knowing Loke, he could tell Atlas was attracted to her, and decided to push things along. That didn’t mean this was a good idea. Maybe Loke didn’t realize she was a cop, but the Fitte guys were usually just as attuned to people as he, Fox, and Luke were, especially when it came to law enforcement.

Mila’s gaze shifted to his face again, and she blushed. What was she thinking?

“So you . . . spank a lot of women?”

“Not a lot, no,” he said. The hand he had resting on her lower back rubbed small circles there, and he enjoyed the feel of her soft bare skin. “I’m selective about who I spend time with.”

“Me too.” She leaned closer to him. “Thanks for showing me what BDSM is about.”

He chuckled. “What it’s about? I showed you a couple of things. That was the equivalent of me letting you know there was an iceberg. You haven’t even seen the tip of it yet.”

“You want to show me the tip, I can tell.” She smirked.