She had to let him go.

He kissed her hair, making everything right in her world. Maybe she’d let him go later.

“Ophelia,” he whispered against her head.

She fought down the thickness in her throat. “Yeah?”

After he sniffed her hair, he sighed loudly. “I love you.”

It took her several seconds to register what he’d said. He loved her?

Oh fuck. Warmth prickled at her chest.

She pushed away from him. “Damn it, Luke!”

He winced.

“I’m trying to get over you! To be selfless and let you go. Why’d you have to go and say that?” Hot tears rolled down her cheeks.

Luke gazed down at her with a new confidence. “Because it’s true, and if I never told you, I would always regret it.” He wrapped a lock of her hair around his finger. “No matter what happens from here, I want you to know that you’re loved. Deeply. Passionately.”

She shook free. “Stop that.”

“Why?” He looked confused, hurt, but she was still furious he’d said it.

“Because I love you too, and you’re making this difficult!”

His lips turned up in amusement. “Does my love offend you?”

She swiped angrily at her tears. He loved her. It changed nothing, and yet, it changed everything.

Smiling hopefully, he cupped her cheek and swept his thumb across it. “Come to dinner with my family tonight.”


“We’re having a barbecue. I want you to meet them properly. See who they really are before you get it stuck in your head we’re scary criminals.”

It sounded nice, but was it a smart move? She felt like everything she did from now on reflected on the company. Every decision came with consequences. It was so much pressure . . .

“Please?” he asked again. “If you never want to see me again after that, I’ll leave you alone.”

Alone. She’d been too much of that already.

And he loved her. It wouldn’t matter so much if she wasn’t also madly in love with him.

“Okay.” She nodded. “I’ll come.”


“Don’t be nervous,” Luke said, smiling at her from the driver’s seat. He’d picked her up at her house and now they sat in his driveway, waiting for her to work up the courage to meet his family.

Why was she nervous? It wasn’t as if she were trying to win them over. She still wasn’t sure she and Luke were going to see each other again after tonight. But her fingers twisted together in her lap and butterflies took over her belly anyway.

He covered her hands with his and chuckled. “They don’t bite.” With a wink, he added, “But I do.”

Yeah. She was trying to forget about that. How he blew her mind in bed. How hot he made her, how adored she felt when she was with him. Ugh. “Stop it,” she hissed.

He kissed her nose, shocking her. “You’re cute when you’re mad.”