“Taking a little break.”

He pulled her behind the bush, then sat down on the boulder.

“Oh. Are you tired?”

“No,” he lied. At least not too tired to do this. Gently, he coaxed her toward his lap, but she resisted, frowning at him.

“What are you doing?”

“Spanking you,” he said simply.

She sputtered. “But . . . why? I didn’t even do anything!”

He tightened his grip when she tried to pull away. “Sure you did.” His mind worked quickly to think of an excuse. “You’ve been taunting me with your hot ass for hours.”

“Ugh. That’s bullshit!”

“Hmm.” He arched a brow. “Now we can add swearing at me to the list.”

The girl dared to roll her eyes. “Swearing? Seriously? And you can’t spank me here. People will see!”

“What people?” He waited for a safeword while she bit her lip and peered around them. Would she let him spank her? It was pretty ballsy for him to push for this, but she’d surprised him several times with what she’d let him do.

When she didn’t respond, he put his hands on her hips and guided her over his lap. That she went willingly, albeit reluctantly, made his dick hard. Fuck, she was perfect.

She covered her face with her hands and mumbled, “I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

Still no safeword. He smiled, staring at her bottom. He wouldn’t take her shorts down just in case someone happened to walk by, but he could have fun anyway.

“Are you a bad girl, Ophelia?”


He smacked her once and she yelped. “Hmm. I think you are.”

Another slap. The shorts made the sound more of a thud, which was less likely to draw attention, but he’d bet there was no one around for at least a mile.

“I think you like to tease me,” he said, spanking her a few more times before pausing for a response.

“What are you talking about?” She wiggled but he held her still around the waist.

“Last night . . .” His dick pressed painfully against his zipper. “You were a naughty girl.”

She’d pranced around in her lace panties, pretending to be coy. It hadn’t taken long for him to throw her down on the bed for a quickie. He’d meant to have her again before the night was over—slower and with more appreciation—but she’d fallen asleep on his chest. She’d looked so goddamn adorable he hadn’t been able to bring himself to wake her.

“Last night?” She whimpered as he struck her three more times.

“Yup.” He rubbed his hand over her sh

orts, wishing he’d pulled them down so he could see her pink skin. His hand strayed down to stroke her bare thigh, too, because . . . it was right there and why not? “You were dancing around in your sexy underwear on purpose.”

Silence, and then she chuckled.

“See? I knew it.” He spanked her until she kicked and squealed, but he knew it didn’t hurt that much. In fact, he was pretty sure the buttons from her shorts stung his hand more than his hand stung her ass.

As he spanked her, he chastised her for being a better hiker than him, for buying sexy shorts, and for choosing a trail without much privacy.

By the time he was done, they were both laughing. He pulled her up and she stood in front of him, her cheeks bright red.