The corner of his mouth quirked into a wicked, dimpled smile. Holy Hannah. She must have blocked that smile from her memories out of self-preservation.

If she dropped to her knees would it be a little much?

This man—there was something about him that made her want to kneel at his feet and beg for him to keep her. Being his voluntary sex slave for the next sixty years sounded like a fabulous idea. That house of his had to have a basement.

He shook his head slightly, as though he realized they were just standing there staring at each other.

“So that’s why you wanted me to come by? To discuss your anticipated superpowers?”



“It was a trick,” she admitted, to herself even more than to him.

“Was it?” His dark eyes narrowed dangerously. “Just what have you tricked me into?”

In response, she went up on her toes and touched her lips to his.

They stood there like that, with her lips on his, for a long time. He didn’t pull back, but he also didn’t try to deepen the kiss. Maybe she’d misread things?

When he finally stepped back, she clung to his shirt, tangling her fists in it, and kissed him more deeply. He let her take the lead for about a minute, but then walked her backward into the wall. His hands came up to cup her face, holding her where he wanted her, kissing her like he’d needed to for years, like he’d die if he didn’t.

Insistently, she yanked his shirt upward until he helped her take it off. God, he smelled so good—felt so good under her hands. He caught her hair and gripped it the way that made her whimper. She play-struggled to get away, and he paused.

“Where do you think you’re going, little girl?”

His voice . . . It had hit that note it reached when he wanted her. She’d almost forgotten exactly where that deep voice of his vibrated. Now she remembered all too well.

Doing her best innocent expression, she gazed up at him. He let her go and backed up a step, and she let her mouth twist into a cocky smile.

“I wouldn’t want you to think I’m easy.”

In an impressive flash of speed and muscle, he grabbed her wrists and pinned them abo

ve her head. Trapped. Heat zinged through her, heading straight for her pussy. She wanted nothing more than for him to force her to the floor and shove his big cock into her. When she opened her mouth to gasp, his mouth closed over hers, his tongue forcing hers to submit. One of his strong thighs came up to press between her legs and she cried out at the desperate pleasure that flooded through her.

The door creaked open. Startled, they broke apart as Priya stepped into the foyer, shouting, “I forgot my—”

Luke took two steps back from Ophelia, who covered her mouth as if she could hide the evidence.

“Oh.” Priya looked back and forth between them. Took in Luke’s chest, and his shirt on the floor.


Luke looked at Ophelia as if waiting to follow her lead.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you had company,” Priya said. “I forgot my phone so I rushed back to get it. I didn’t mean to . . . interrupt.” The fact that she remained there in the foyer instead of walking upstairs to get her phone made it obvious she was waiting for an explanation.

“Um.” Ophelia cleared her throat. “This is . . .” Think, think, think. “My new bodyguard.”

Priya wrinkled her nose. “Bodyguard?”

Luke stuck out his hand. “We prefer the term personal protection agent.”

“Wow. Yup, can’t get much more personal than that. Okay . . .” Politely, her friend shook his hand. Then she switched her gaze to Ophelia and seemed to be biting back a smile. “I’ll just go get my phone then.” As she walked by, she winked at Ophelia and mouthed “hot.”

Bodyguard? Shit. This was so fucked up. But what was she supposed to say? This is a criminal who stole my car, drove me to Montana, then fulfilled all my wildest fantasies—oh and I may also be in love with him?