She wasn’t sure how he’d know, since he wasn’t looking at anything but her. “Thanks.”

Luke smiled. “How’ve you’ve been?”

She’d called him over here, and now she wasn’t sure how to proceed. Should she just let it all out? The deal she’d turned down, how her mom was mad at her, and that her friends had just left after peppering her with questions? And how she suddenly felt so alone?

Or maybe he was expecting action. Did he think this was a booty call? Was it a booty call?

“You look upset,” Luke observed.

Great. She didn’t usually have so much trouble hiding her emotions but with Luke, it was hard not to show him everything. To be herself.

He pulled her into a hug and she relaxed against his chest, feeling like this was exactly what she needed. His scent only made it harder to want to let go. This was supposed to be a quick chat. Nothing more. But god, did she want to jump his bones.

“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” he crooned.

Please don’t call me that, she almost said. But her throat closed up before she could. It reminded her too much of their trip. It reminded her of what she’d walked away from.

Tears pricked her eyes. “I just . . .” she said against his chest. “I just need somebody to talk to.”

“I told you I’d be here. For anything you need.”

She sighed and pulled away. “Thanks.” As she gazed up at him, memories washed over her, and a familiar glow grew in her chest. Not love, exactly. More like . . . intense affection. Adoration. Maybe . . . almost love.

Fuck. Why had she texted him? They could’ve just ended things quickly, like ripping off a Band-Aid, but here she was dragging it out.

God, she was stupid.

Something on his leg caught her eye. Plastic taped to the back and side of his knee—a new tattoo? More gray and black. Curious, she leaned to the side to see the rest of the design.

It was an alien on the back of his knee, like the gray men Georg had told them about. A tattoo to remind him of their trip? Had it meant something to him too? Maybe he’d gotten a coupon in the mail and couldn’t think of anything else to get.

Suppressing a giddy smile, she straightened and looked up at him. “I like your tattoo.”

His mouth twisted in chagrin. “Do you?”

They stared awkwardly for a few moments as she wracked her brain for words that made sense to say. But nothing came.

Luke sighed. “I’ve missed you.”

“Y-you have?” Her voice wobbled.

“Of course. You doubted I would?” His laugh was short. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. You’re not the kind of girl a guy forgets about.”

Aaaand . . . now she wanted to have his babies. How was this fair? He was so fucking perfect, but she couldn’t have him.

When she didn’t reply, he smiled in self-deprecation. “Shit. I was supposed to play this cool. Just here to talk, right? I’m sorry.”

“D-don’t be sorry,” she stammered. “I just . . . I don’t know what to say.”

His gaze drifted down to her neck. “You’re still wearing it.”

For a moment she had no idea what he was talking about, but then his fingers touched her necklace where it lay against her collarbone.

“Yeah.” She’d thought about taking it off several times since they’d parted ways but hadn’t been able to. Maybe it was silly, but wearing the necklace felt like she still had part of him with her. And taking it off would be like erasing him and their adventure.

“Any superpowers yet?”

She smiled up at him shyly. “Not yet, but I’m coming down with a fever, so you might want to check again tomorrow.”