She looked deep into his eyes, studying the dark brown, putting it to memory. How awesome would it be if she could keep him in some way? Like a sex toy slash confidante? Someone neutral to talk things out with and someone who could give her what she needed in bed. Like a boyfriend but . . . without the emotional attachment.

Well, she’d have to work on that part.

On an exhale, she whispered, “Yes, Luke.”

He kissed her sweetly then pulled back onto the highway. She was too chicken to call her mom so she texted her instead. Borrowing Luke’s confidence, she told her she was going home and would talk with her and Daniel in the morning and that if the bidders wanted to rescind the offer, that was their problem.

After she was sure it sent, she turned off her phone and tried to push back her worries and enjoy her last bit of peace with Luke.

“Shouldn’t I be driving if I’m dropping you off?” she said as they reached town.

“You don’t know where I live.”

“Where do you live?”

“You’ll see.”

They bypassed the exits downtown and headed toward the housing developments just outside the city—opposite where she lived. The winding road grew quieter the farther from the highway they went, and soon darkness settled over the valley. It reflected her mood. How was she supposed to say good-bye?

Luke turned into a driveway that steered up a small hill. The house at the top was almost as big as hers.

Apparently not stealing cars paid well.

He parked the SUV in the driveway, then got out. This time she didn’t wait for him to open her door. There was no point in waiting for that anymore. No one would ever do it again. Taking back her control over that felt like a stupid, hollow victory.

“Do you want to come in?” he asked. “I could throw together something to eat. I’m sure my cousins would love to meet you.”

Shit. She’d almost forgotten he didn’t live alone.

She shook her head.

“No. Thanks, but I need to get home and do some thinking about tomorrow. I’d also prefer not to meet new people looking like this.” She gestured at her finger- combed hair, still wild and a bit snarled. Ten minutes ago she’d found some dried moss in it. Not to mention the fact that she smelled like Luke and hot sex.

She smoothed her hair and glanced self-consciously at the house, hoping no one was watching them.

“Do you want the tent and the other gear? I doubt I’ll be going camping again anytime soon.”

He shrugged a shoulder. “Sure.” As he unloaded the back of the SUV, she noticed he’d grabbed the wrong backpack, but didn’t point it out. Was it creepy that she wanted to keep his stuff?

When he was done, he walked her to the driver’s-side door of the SUV and helped her in.

He moved in to kiss her, but she turned away and let his mouth land on the corner of hers. He pressed a kiss there anyway, so sweetly that she had to stifle a sob. She covered it with a cough, but he probably knew better.

“I’m not going to call you, Ophelia,” he warned. “I’m serious. I’m here whenever you need me, but I’m not going to pressure you for more.”

She nodded. “Thanks, but I’ll be fine.” Without saying anything else, she shut the door between them, only waiting for him to take a step back before she drove off.

Unable to help herself, she looked in the rearview to catch a last glimpse of him. He stood in the middle of his driveway watching her leave, and she was glad he couldn’t hear her crying.

Chapter 14


Blind from the headlights in his rearview mirror, Luke waited for the cruiser’s lights to come on.


Still nothing.